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Why don't you try a test install of the Portable in a folder not part of the Windows permissions hierachy, like c:\AIMP, and see if you have the same issues using a stock skin
I am using Windows 10 and have no issues with portable installation. Unfortunately, I cannot test by myself on win11 24h2.
From what I read, Windows 10 CAN be directly updated to 11 24H2.
My hardware is incompatible with Windows 11, the installation produces a blue screen of death during upgrading. I've no idea what exactly leads to this issue. Anyway, 23H/24H are unavailable for Russian licenses. I will try to install trial to virtual machine (I hope it possible). Thanks for helping
Очень хорошая новость пришла на днях от Microsoft:"Microsoft разрешила устанавливать Windows 11 на старые ПК, но их пользователи должны подписать отказ от ответственности"
The Tascan 32 and another SKINs doesn't work anymore, the VU´s pointers don't move still stoped, and doesn't respond to controls, and it gives some memory error!
it gives some memory error!
Black_AVP_Bim, т.е. вот этого у тебя не наблюдается?
Please, try to reproduce the issue on debug build: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/TkQ1BX_gjbISQw
I did an in-place upgrade to Windows 11 24H2 x64 from 23H2 via the Microsoft ISO. This is with a Dell XPS 8960 with 32MB RAM and the Intel I7-13700.Before and after I am using AIMP 5.30.2563 x64, Portable. I have encountered absolutely no negative effects or regressive behavior at all, it runs as smooth and stable as it did before, including meter plugins, etc. I am using a slightly modified (e.g. text fonts) Charm 1.36 skin.I run Windows as an Administrator user, no UAC. I do not use "Run as administrator" with AIMP.What this means I guess is that neither 24H2 nor AIMP 5.30.2563 are the problem. Why don't you try a test install of the Portable in a folder not part of the Windows permissions hierachy, like c:\AIMP, and see if you have the same issues using a stock skin. Be sure you have excluded the AIMP folder in Windows Defender, and check to be sure your AIMP "Sound Output" settings in Preferences haven't changed.
I installed in C:/AIMP, same issues . The Tascan 32 Skin the timer clock no works, the buttons no have response, the VU´s still stoped. if i run with administrator privileges, all issues go away. I think this problemm is the Windows 24H2 UAC.