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всем у кого хорошая акустика рекомендую конфиг который сам сделал.кристальные выскоие частоты, отличные средние и качественные басыКонфиг[Common]Pre amplifier=1Post amplifier=1Extra loudness=1Extra loudness - Very deep bass relative clipping level=0Extra loudness - Allow extra lows (advanced)=0Extra loudness - Allow extra highs (advanced)=0Extra loudness - Punchy=0.224999905Extra loudness - Max Punch peak=0.75Extra loudness - Deep bass protection - Enabled=1Extra loudness - Deep bass protection - Difference=0Extra loudness - Deep bass protection - Value=0.638750076Extra loudness - Forcibly remove DC component caused by Loudness=0Bass protection - Enabled=0Bass protection - Two steps=0Bass protection - Clip level=140Bass protection - Deep bass boost=0Bass protection - Raise clip level if highs get above=150Bass protection - Maximum clip level raise=35Hard limit output=0CPU usage - Quality (new style)=1Latency (samples)=4096Extra loudness - De-esser limit=65650Extra loudness - Reflection strength=0.099999994Extra loudness - Allow more distortion=0Extra loudness - Highs burst strength=1Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - Very deep bass filter frequency 1=150Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - Very deep bass filter frequency 2=350Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - Clip very deep bass at=0.899999976Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - BassMid filter frequency 1=350Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - BassMid filter frequency 2=750Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - Clip BassMid at=1Extra loudness - Voice vibrations - Highs feedback strength=1Extra loudness - Voice vibrations - Never reduce bass below=0.400000006Extra loudness - Voice vibrations - Multiply measured vibration level by=0.899999976Extra loudness - Voice vibrations - Ignore vibration levels below=0.5Extra loudness - Voice vibrations - Reduce sensitivity for non-constant sounds strength=1Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - Strict clipping=1Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - Strict clipping - More strict=0Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - Strict clipping frequency 1=250Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - Strict clipping frequency 2=350Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - Strict clipping - Clip bass at=0.899999976Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - Strict clipping - Clip Punched bass at=0.949999988Extra loudness - New Bass Protection - Strict clipping - Never dynamically raise bass level above=1Extra loudness - Dirty Bass=0Extra loudness - Advanced Highs Protection enabled=1Extra loudness - Advanced Highs Protection - Strength=4Extra loudness - Advanced Highs Protection - Maximum reduction=1Extra loudness - Advanced Highs Protection - Raise level between spikes=0.5Extra loudness - Voice vibrations - Allowed graininess multiplication=2.400000095Extra loudness - Non constant sound vibrations - Sensitivity=1Oversample limiters=1Extra loudness - Take some shortcuts (CPU)=1[Noise Gate]Enabled=0Difference=0Noise level=1Relative noise gate level - Band 1=1Relative noise gate level - Band 2=1Relative noise gate level - Band 3=1Relative noise gate level - Band 4=1Relative noise gate level - Band 5=1Relative noise gate level - Band 6=1Relative noise gate level - Band 7=1[Singleband Compressor]Enabled=1Difference=0Maximum volume=1Attack speed=0.999998987Decay speed=0Above Top Limiter=0AGC RMS style Enabled=1AGC RMS style Target RMS level=88330AGC RMS style Remove remaining peaks above=1.5[Pre Compressor]Enabled=1Maximum volume - Band 1=90000Attack speed - Band 1=0.000005001Attack speed - Band 3=0.000005001Decay speed - Band 1=0.000249943Decay speed - Band 3=0.000249943Dual band=1Third band=1Relative expected volume of highs=0.649999976Relative maximum volume of highs=3Relative maximum volume of very highs=0.330000013Remove remaining peaks above (relative to maximum volume)=1.75999999Maximum expected dynamics strength for smoothing=1Enable smoothing=0Smoothing time=0Gating level=90601Use ITU-BS.1770=0Channel separation=0.300000012Gating based on volume before Pre Amp=1Lock bass to band 2 strength=0.5Minimum attack speed near top=0Force volume down if it is kept too much above calculated target level margin=2Remove remaining peaks above (relative to maximum volume) - band 2=1.75999999Remove remaining peaks in mono=1Startup input level=0Use ITU-BS.1770 Head=0Use ITU-BS.1770 Bass=0[Multiband Compressor]Enabled=1Difference=0Delay enabled=0Maximum volume - Band -1=5270Maximum volume - Band 0=6140Maximum volume - Band 1=6620Maximum volume - Band 2=6810Maximum volume - Band 3=6710Maximum volume - Band 4=6190Maximum volume - Band 5=5560Maximum volume - Band 6=4890Maximum volume - Band 7=3640Maximum volume - Band 8=1530Attack speeds linked=1Attack speed - Band -1=0.000049975Attack speed - Band 0=0.000049975Attack speed - Band 1=0.000049975Attack speed - Band 2=0.000049975Attack speed - Band 3=0.000049975Attack speed - Band 4=0.000049975Attack speed - Band 5=0.000049975Attack speed - Band 6=0.000049975Attack speed - Band 7=0.000049975Attack speed - Band 8=0.000049975Decay speeds linked=1Decay speed - Band -1=0.000399904Decay speed - Band 0=0.000399904Decay speed - Band 1=0.000399904Decay speed - Band 2=0.000399904Decay speed - Band 3=0.000399904Decay speed - Band 4=0.000399904Decay speed - Band 5=0.000399904Decay speed - Band 6=0.000399904Decay speed - Band 7=0.000399904Decay speed - Band 8=0.000399904Above Top Limiter=0Clipping enabled=1Postprocessing enabled=0Relative clip position - Band -1=-1Relative clip position - Band 0=-1Relative clip position - Band 1=-1Relative clip position - Band 2=-1Relative clip position - Band 3=-1Relative clip position - Band 4=-1Relative clip position - Band 5=-1Relative clip position - Band 6=-1Relative clip position - Band 7=-1Relative clip position - Band 8=-1Final limiter value=1Final limiter decay speed=0.00076116Final limiter clipping=2.571429014Equalizer enabled=1Equalize before multiband-compression=0Equalizer position - Band -1=1.409638405Equalizer position - Band 0=1Equalizer position - Band 1=1Equalizer position - Band 2=1.127659559Equalizer position - Band 3=1.409638405Equalizer position - Band 4=2.389830351Equalizer position - Band 5=2.508771658Equalizer position - Band 6=5.060605049Equalizer position - Band 7=5.060605049Equalizer position - Band 8=1Flat frequency response enabled=1Channel separation steepness protection enabled=0Channel separation steepness (maximum artifact strength)=0.330000013Center frequency - Band -1=43.06640625Center frequency - Band 0=86.1328125Center frequency - Band 1=172.265625Center frequency - Band 2=344.53125Center frequency - Band 3=689.0625Center frequency - Band 4=1378.125Center frequency - Band 5=2756.25Center frequency - Band 6=5512.5Center frequency - Band 7=10000Center frequency - Band 8=15000[Stereo]Enabled=2Stereo AZIMUTH Enabled=0Stereo Image Enabled=1Stereo Boost Enabled=0Stereo Boost Excessive Reverb Protection Enabled=0Delay enabled=0Difference=0Center bass=1AZIMUTH limit=0AZIMUTH change speed=0Image phase amplifier=1Image phase amplifier maximum angle=180Image phase amplifier maximum separation strength=100Image width amplifier=1Extra phase shift=0Mono or stereo only=0Stereo Boost strength=20Stereo Boost maximum amplification=10Stereo Boost multiplier=1Stereo Boost - Never reduce below original level=1[Channel Delay]Enabled=0Left Delay=0[Output Filter]Enabled=0Lowpass filter=22050Highpass filter=0Highpass filter linearity=YesNon-phase-linear highpass filter order=8[Bass Boost]Enabled=1Strength=1Start lowpass frequency of input filter=0End lowpass frequency of input filter=410Start lowpass frequency of output filter=410End lowpass frequency of output filter=510Clip level=1.5Clip level is relative to estimated maximum level=1Preserve louder peaks=1Difference=0[Phase Rotator]Enabled=0Start frequency=1Start speed=5000Number of rotations=4Smoothness=0.979999959Low latency look back samples=112Low latency look ahead samples=20[Final Limiter]Enabled=1Difference=0Pre-amp=1Pre-limiter enabled=0Pre-limiter relative volume=1.75Reduced CPU processing=0[FM Transmitter]Enabled=1Pre-emphasize=1Pre-emphasis time=75Output is pre-emphasized=1Stereo encoder enabled=0RDS encoder enabled=0Pilot signal volume=9.199999809RDS signal volume=4.400000095FM overdrive volume=1RDS PS text=2s:STEREO/2s:TOOL/<1=1.5s,2..-2=2t,-1=1.5s:WWW.STEREOTOOL.COM/|\W"PLAYING %artist% - %title% "/1s:\T2h\:\T02m\:\T02s/1s:\T2h\:\T02m\.\T02s/1s:\T2h\:\T02m\:\T02sRDS RadioText text=60s:Stereo Tool: Professional Audio Processing - Tool by Hans van Zutphen, 1999-2008 -\W"%artist% - %title% - %album%"RDS PTY=0RDS PI=65535RDS Alternative frequency 1=0RDS Alternative frequency 2=0RDS Alternative frequency 3=0RDS Alternative frequency 4=0RDS Alternative frequency 5=0RDS Alternative frequency 6=0RDS Alternative frequency 7=0RDS Alternative frequency 8=0RDS Alternative frequency 9=0RDS Alternative frequency 10=0RDS Alternative frequency 11=0RDS Alternative frequency 12=0RDS Alternative frequency 13=0RDS Alternative frequency 14=0RDS Alternative frequency 15=0RDS Alternative frequency 16=0RDS Alternative frequency 17=0RDS Alternative frequency 18=0RDS Alternative frequency 19=0RDS Alternative frequency 20=0RDS Alternative frequency 21=0RDS Alternative frequency 22=0RDS Alternative frequency 23=0RDS Alternative frequency 24=0RDS Alternative frequency 25=0RDS TP=0RDS TA=0RDS Music=1RDS Artificial Head=0RDS Compressed=1RDS Dynamic PTY=0RDS RadioText Enabled=1RDS ClockTime Enabled=1FM Transmitter Calibration Enabled=0MPX Oversampling mode=Follow main Quality settingFM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 20 Hz=1FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 40 Hz=1FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 80 Hz=1FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 160 Hz=1FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 320 Hz=1FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 640 Hz=1FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 1280 Hz=1FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 2560 Hz=1FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 5120 Hz=1FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 10240 Hz=1FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 19000 Hz=1FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 23000 Hz=1FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 28000 Hz=1FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 33000 Hz=1FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 38000 Hz=1FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 43000 Hz=1FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 48000 Hz=1FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 53000 Hz=1FM Transmitter Calibration - Volume 57000 Hz=1FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 20 Hz=0FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 40 Hz=0FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 80 Hz=0FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 160 Hz=0FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 320 Hz=0FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 640 Hz=0FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 1280 Hz=0FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 2560 Hz=0FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 5120 Hz=0FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 10240 Hz=0FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 19000 Hz=0FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 23000 Hz=0FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 28000 Hz=0FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 33000 Hz=0FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 38000 Hz=0FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 43000 Hz=0FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 48000 Hz=0FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 53000 Hz=0FM Transmitter Calibration - Phase shift 57000 Hz=0[Direct soundcard access]Enabled=0Device ID=Динамики (Realtek High DefinitiVolume=1Buffer size=1Send to Winamp=Unprocessed inputASIO Override channel 1=4ASIO Override channel 2=5[Low latency output]Enabled=0Device ID=Динамики (Realtek High DefinitiVolume=1Buffer size=0.080000006ASIO Override channel 1=2ASIO Override channel 2=3[FM Hiss]Enabled=0Difference=0FM median pos=25FM measure max multiplier=2FM reduce=150FM delay=2.5FM delay median=7.5[Lossy compression output optimization]Enabled=1Spike Protation pre-emphasis time=30time=30[Declipper]Enabled=0Analog input=0Maximum restored peak=4Quality=20Reduction precision=0.870000005Maximum expected distortion level=0.110000007Definitely clipped if below (relative)=0.974999964Probably clipped if below (relative)=0.774999976Maybe clipped if below (relative)=0.649999976Not clipped if below (absolute)=4090Clipping straight line margin=0.199999988Clipped if below short term margin=0.199999988Clipped if below short term margin Enabled=1Only declip if tilt can be determined=1Do not allow restored peaks to be lower than clipped signal=0Do not reconstruct if reconstructed signal resembles original - threshold=1Do not reconstruct if reconstructed signal resembles original - texture threshold=1Amount of peak samples to remove - long term=0.100000001Amount of peak samples to remove - short term=0.400000006Tilt default level=0Tilt maximum adjustment per measurement=0.027777778Tilt level detection enabled=1Tilt minimum level=-0.125Tilt maximum level=0.125Only declip if clipping histogram spike is symmetrical=0Declip if (type)=3Declip if type 4 long term margin=0.920000017Dynamically increase probably clipped level=1Dynamically increase maybe clipped level=1Veil normal down speed (dB/ms)=2Veil after spike down speed (dB/ms)=4Veil speed drop time reduction time after spike (ms)=1Veil margin=0.899999976MP3 margin=0.924999952MP3 number of samples=1[Pre Compressor Bass]Enabled=0Maximum relative volume=1.200000048Attack speed=0.000050317Decay speed=0.00214558Remove remaining peaks above (relative to maximum volume)=1[Side Channels]Channel 1 Enabled=0Channel 2 Enabled=0Channel 1 Volume=0Channel 2 Volume=0Lowpass frequency=0
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Интересное дело, в первом посте есть Changelog, но нет описания возможностей и эффектов данного плагина
есть же скриншот, там все возможностик чему описания "улучшает звук, вы поразитесь глубине и кристальности" и прочие ?только аудиофилы могут описать как меняется звук при использовании тех или иных примочек =)