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Будет ли это когда-нибудь реализовано, какие-нибудь новости об этом? За это проголосовало 58%, и я тоже ..Хотелось бы иметь спектр, он приятен глазу, чехлы вообще не использую, а без спектра как-то скучно и пусто. Кто не любит спектр, может просто выключить его .. Добавьте, пожалуйста, эту опцию с функцией "вкл / выкл", когда у вас есть свободное время, я думаю, что это несложно реализовать
Здравия, mire000!В Google Play предостаточно разных визуализаторов звуковой волны и спектроанализаторов. Есть ли смысл городить огород и отвлекать разработчика на то что можно и так прикрутить?Translation:Health, mire000!Google Play has a lot of different sound wave visualizers and spectroanalyzers. Does it make sense to plant a garden and distract the developer for what you can screw up like that?
But I don't see how adding spectrum would ruin the player?
Would this implementation require a change to the entire code?Mostly not, because spectrum is written in several lines of code, unless it requires a redesign of the entire interface?
Impact on battery and cpu is also not a problem unless you have a 10 year old phone, which is almost impossible! You can turn spectrum off, if you don't like it, or you think it's eating your battery.
I don't see reason why anyone would be against spectrum?
This feature requires some time to implement and some time to integrate it all views of default UI.Optimized code of fft filter cannot be placed to "several lines of code". For example, PC's version of FFT is about 1000 lines + 360 lines to draw the visualization. Is it several lines? No, but general issue is not a number of lines. No, its not. Modern versions of Android always warn users about high battery usage and forced to stop the app if user does not react to the warning. This is major issue for me now (look at feedback messages in Google Play).General think: what device will be used for the visualization?Phone? No, 90% of time phones has a black screen.CarPC? No, it is unsafe for driving.Tablets? May be.TV? Most probable, because visualization on TV + surround sound system are beautiful solution for home party.So, I was planned to implement visualization as a part of Android TV support feature.