Change Log » AIMP for Windows
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AIMP v5.10.2414 (15.11.2022)

Sound engine: restart ASIO-driver on error without restart the app

Fixed: player - does not catch the CUE files from .iso.wv images

Fixed: playlist - the "move to" command invoke the "copy to" dialog (regression 5.10)

Fixed: playlist - hangs in "loading" stage after renaming the file in tag editor (regression 5.10)

Fixed: playlist - queue does not save references to playlists (regression 5.10)

Fixed: tag editor - FLAC - shorten version of JPEG MIME-type is used instead of full

Fixed: plugins - MyClouds - CUE is skipped if it refers to file with same name, but different extension

Fixed other minor issues

AIMP v5.10.2411 (08.11.2022)

General: improve compatibility with Linux (Wine)

Fixed: player - *.iso.wv cannot be played anymore (regression 5.03)

Fixed: playlist - the "merge similar groups automatically" conflicts with tag editor in batch mode

Fixed: plugins - WebLyrics - crash on attempt to fetch album art for radio stream

AIMP v5.10.2410 RC (30.10.2022)

General: localizations has been updated

Tags: encoding detection algorithm has been improved

Fixed: player - querying information about next track in end of shuffled playback queue, ignoring playback settings and start playback of the playlist from beginning

Fixed: plugins - scheduler - event with the "repeated throughout day" option executes the actions 5 times at once (regression 5.10)

AIMP v5.10.2408 Beta 2 (21.10.2022)

General: app can run again on Windows Vista and Windows XP

General: reduced size of the runtime library

Options dialog: thumbnails view in skins chooser frame

Sound engine: unloading of unused ASIO drivers without app restart

Plugins: MyClouds - support for changes in API of service

Plugins: WebLyrics - rules syntax has been extended

Plugins: WebLyrics - now can be used as album arts provider

Fixed: playlist - queue does not save references to playlists whose name contains a "=" character

Fixed: music library - rating cannot be stored to tag of playing file (regression)

Fixed: minor bugs and defects

AIMP v5.10.2403 Beta (05.10.2022)

General: ability to reset settings to it defaults

Sound engine: added support for system decoders (optional)

Sound Engine: support for WavPack's correction files (WVC)

Sound engine: support for MDZ, ITZ, S3Z and XMZ file formats

UI: ability to pin window position on screen (protection against accidental movement by user)

DSP Manager: ability to enter effects values using keyboard

Player: aero peek - added information about previous / next track to navigation buttons hints

Player: added recent files list to context menu of app taskbar button

Player: hotkey for the "bring main window to top" command has been added

Player: hotkeys for the "previous bookmark" / "next bookmark" commands has been added

Playlist: added few new randomize modes

Playlist: focusing playing track in playlist became optional

Playlist: added few new options for import single file from external applications

Playlist: recents strings for quick search box

Playlist: list of templates for playlist grouping

Advanced search: added the "send to..." menu item

Plugins: SACD - support for DSD in WavPack

General: the WavPack codec has been updated to v5.5.0

General: improve compatibility with Linux (Wine)

Playlist: new files now adds to end of playlist during synchronization if it items has been manually reordered

Tag Editor: added list of recently used in-place expressions

Tag Editor: in-place expressions are now enabled by default

Music library: grouping tree presets with auto-generated names now supports for localization

Plugins: podcasts - ability to "create smart-playlist" from grouping tree

AIMP v5.03.2398 (25.08.2022)

General: value of quick search is now resets on app restart

Fixed: general - certain functions ignores the ANSI-codepage setting value

Fixed: sound engine - ASIO - app crashes on attempt to initialize unavailable device if it driver suppresses exceptions (was found on iBasso devices)

Fixed: skin engine - snap to screen edges due resize the window works incorrectly (regrepssion)

Fixed: skin engine - touch-scrolling of vertical playlists tabs is inverted

Fixed: tag editor - an error occurs on attempt to invoke the "unknown tag fields" dialog if system's UI scaling factor is set to 100%

Fixed: plugins - BASS_AAC - opening certain M4A files with ALAC codec lead to the "unsupported file format" error

Fixed: plugins - MyClouds - the "find on the Internet" and the "Maximum file size to download" are affects to cloud storage

Fixed: plugins - MyClouds - app hangs up if cloud server does not support for content-range command

Fixed: plugins - SACD - certain DSDIFF files with DST-compression cannot be played

AIMP v5.03.2397 (01.08.2022)

Plugins: MyClouds - support for WebDAV for

Common: BASS libraries has been updated

Advanced search: the "clear queue" menu item has been added

Tag editor: compatibility with Windows Explorer has been improved

Plugins: MyClouds - templates for the services that does not support for content-range command has been removed

Fixed: general - files that full path more 260 symbols cannot be played on Windows 10

Fixed: Audio converter - the "target file name" column does not take encoding mode and chapters into account

Fixed: tag editor - sometime it starts without a list of sent files

Fixed: playlists - XSPF - image links are not loaded

Fixed: plugins - information bar - toolbar icons has incorrect order for 150% UI scaling factor

Fixed: plugins - scheduler - the "start recording" action does not wait while new stream being loaded if app is playing another radio stream.

Fixed: plugins - scheduler - repeat thought day works incorrectly, if time range is set to 24 hours

Fixed: plugins - BASS_AAC - opening certain M4A files lead to stack overflow that lead to app crash (regression)

Fixed: plugins - MyClouds - app hangs up if cloud server does not support for content-range command

Fixed other minor issues

AIMP v5.03.2394 (30.06.2022)

General: visual appearance of settings window has been updated

Tags: encoding detection algorithm has been improved

Fixed: skin engine - window border flicks on activate/deactivate the window if the "allow per pixel semitransparency" is switched off (regression)

Fixed: smart-playlists - null-values of data-time fields are stored to configuration file incorrectly

Fixed: plugins - API - album art providers that does not supports for "unknown" interface cannot be registered in repository

AIMP v5.03.2392 (22.06.2022)

Playlist: the "select enabled" command has been added

General: localizations has been updated

Tag editor: change case - now the rule can be applied to selected part only

Skin engine: improve support of Aero Snap

Fixed: sound engine - FLAC - 8-bit audio produces noise instead of sound

Fixed: playlist manager - preimage changes are not applied (regression)

AIMP v5.03.2388 RC (06.06.2022)

General: added support for images in WebP format (you need to put the libwebp.dll to app folder)

Playlist: XSPF - support for relative paths in preimage settings

Default skin: information box - added an ability to hide extra information pane

Default skin: information box - added the lyricist tag field

Skin engine: snapping window bounds during resizing to bounds of other windows

Skin engine: compatibility with old skins has been improved

Plugins: tak_deco_lib has been updated to v2.3.3 (64-bit version has been added)

Fixed other minor issues

AIMP v5.03.2387 RC (31.05.2022)

Playlist: XSPF format became the default playlist format

Playlists: export to XSPF file format

Playlist: the "start playback" command has been added to context menu of playlist tab that makes easier to resume it playback

Tag editor: online search - discogs - support of the "disk number", "part of compilation", "styles" and "comments" tag fields

Fixed: installer - no license agreement text is displayed if app is running via RDP

Fixed: playlists - M3U8 - entry's title is ignored if the entry has no timestamp

Fixed: plugins - scheduler - player jumps one track back after process the "play file" action that has been started by "on end of track" event

Fixed other minor issues

AIMP v5.03.2383 Beta (26.04.2022)

UI: ability to auto-adjust color schema to accent color of Windows Theme

Tags: encoding detection algorithm has been improved

Fixed: plugins - MyClouds - CUE files from cannot be catched

Fixed minor issues related to 64-bit code

AIMP v5.03.2381 Beta (12.04.2022)

General: native x64 support

Player: ability to customize speed / tempo step

Player: the %chapter macro has been added for playing file

Audio converter: APE Encoder - support for 32-bit per sample mode

Audio converter: APE Encoder - support for multiple channel audio files

Tag editor: replaygain - added an ability to scan folder as single album

Music Library: local files - two new templates: "best tracks" and "new tracks"

Plugins: BASS_APE - support for 32-bit audio

Plugins: InputFFmpeg - the FFmpeg libraries has been updated to v4.3.3

Installer: 7z SFX module is no longer used, because it not liked by certain antivirus software

AIMP v5.02.2370 (12.04.2022)

Skin engine: compatibility with old skins has been improved

Fixed: general - last selected path is not saved for some file dialogs

Fixed: playlist manager - playlists are displayed in different order from real one

Fixed: plugins - discogs - no way to authorize from countries that has UTC offset more that 3 hours

Fixed other minor issues

AIMP v5.02.2369 (26.03.2022)

General: localizations has been updated

General: 3rd party libraries has been updated

General: migration to new version of VCL

Fixed: queue manager - double click on item does not activate playlist that contains the item

Fixed: playlist manager - playlists are displayed in different order from real one

Fixed: plugins - GUI API - font and margins scaling works incorrectly in certain cases

AIMP v5.02.2363 Beta (10.02.2022)

Plugins: API has been extended

Fixed: sound engine - ASIO - an attempt to initialize inaccessible device lead app to crash

Fixed: tag editor - the "duplicates not allowed" error occurs on attempt to reorder table groups

Fixed: tag editor - MP4 - an AV error occurs on attempt to save tags to a file that does not have the UDTA-atom

Fixed: tag editor - MP4 - re-save the tags may lead to file corruption if the file contains chapters in utf-8 encoding

Fixed: tag editor - WMA - re-save the tags lead duplicate the WM/GenreID tag field

AIMP v5.02.2361 Beta (01.02.2022)

General: ability to search by app settings

Audio converter: cache for I/O operations

Player: the "track repeat" option now takes precedence over the "jump to next track" option

Player: album arts cache system has been redesigned

Plugins: MyClouds - support for changes in API of DropBox service

Plugins: scheduler - start playback action - added the "start from beginning" option

Fixed: general - unable to install plugin package if one of files in package has invalid encoding

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues were fixed

Fixed: default skin - the "clear search box" button does not work in grouping tree pane

Fixed: plugins - information bar - unable to show the bar via hot key if all "show XXX" options are switched off

Fixed: plugins - scheduler - the date and time of the event repetition calculates incorrectly in certain cases if the event was triggered at the moment the PC was woken up

Fixed: plugins - scheduler - countdown timer shows incorrect data if more than a day is left

AIMP v5.01.2358 (28.12.2021)

General: Windows Vista is no longer supported

General: chapters and bookmarks now displays on a seekbar

Queue manager: double-click on track will focus it in the playlist

General: migration to new version of VCL

Tag editor: state of the "Quick Access" node now stores between different work sessions

Skin engine: potential abilities has been extended

Plugins: - reduced number of requests to the service

Plugins: scheduler - the "return to previous playlist" command now can restore playback position too

Plugins: Update Checker - ability to update to nightly builds (available in the "development versions" channel only)

Fixed: Audio converter - no split by chapters (regression)

Fixed: scheduler - timestamps stores to configuration file in locale-depended format

Fixed: player - no album art is displayed for internet radio tracks if album is not specified (regression)

Fixed: tag editor - ID3v2 - chapters with an empty title leads to corrupted tag field

Fixed: tag editor - FLAC - app uses Description tag field instead of Comment tag field

Fixed: tag editor - online search - discogs - album artist is used instead of track artist

Fixed: skin engine - syntax error in expression interrupts skin loading

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues were fixed

Fixed: default skin - no wiki information about playing track if playback is paused

AIMP v5.00.2344 (09.11.2021)

General: performance has been increased

Bookmarks: list of bookmarks for playing track has been added to seek bar context menu

Default skin: ability to switch off accent color for window frame

Skin engine: potential abilities has been extended

Skin engine: performance has been improved

Fixed: plugins - scheduler - unable to select date and time if OS locale is Spanish

Fixed: plugins - scheduler - volume control does not work in simple mode (regression)

Fixed: plugins - scheduler - the "wake up PC" option has no effect in certain cases (regression)

Fixed: plugins - scheduler - the "wait for playing track to finish" option shifts action time on next repeat

Fixed: plugins - MyClouds - unable to specify address of custom WebDAV server (regression)

Fixed: smart-playlists - sorting options are not imported from playlists created in AIMP4

Fixed other minor issues

AIMP v5.00.2338 (21.10.2021)

Sound engine: ability to remap channels for 5.0 and 7.0 channel schemes

Tag editor: chapters editor - the space keystroke now is used as hotkey to suspend / resume playback

Plugins: - reduced number of requests to the service

Fixed: plugins - information bar - opacity slider is unaccessible (regression)

Fixed other minor issues

AIMP v5.00.2335 (15.10.2021)

General: localizations has been updated

General: performance has been increased

Playlist: ability to specify name depth as argument for the %FileDir and %FileParentDir macros

Fixed: playlist - audio files from the MusicBee app cannot be imported to the player via drag-n-drop

Fixed: plugins - InputFFmpeg - files in Web Media file format with a .weba extension are ignored by the plugin

Fixed other minor issues

AIMP v5.00.2331 RC 2 (30.09.2021)

General: support for Windows 11

Skin engine: potential abilities has been extended

Fixed: sound engine - ASIO - invoking the settings dialog leads app to freezing if device is inaccessible

Fixed other minor issues

AIMP v5.00.2329 RC (21.09.2021)

Fixed: tag editor - app not start on Windows 7 (regression)

Fixed: volume control panel - looks incorrect in night mode

Fixed other minor issues

AIMP v5.00.2327 Beta 5 (16.09.2021)

Tag editor: support for folders pinned to "quick access" in Windows Explorer (Windows 10)

General: localizations has been updated

General: 3rd party libraries has been updated

Skin engine: potential abilities has been extended

Fixed other minor issues

AIMP v5.00.2324 Beta 4 (31.08.2021)

Common: localizations has been updated

Sound engine: equalizer now contains 20 bands - the 43 Hz and 22 kHz bands has been added

Plugins: podcasts - album arts are now displaying in music library

Fixed: installer - no way to install the app to network path

Fixed: tag editor - template that starts from "[" character cannot be saved to configuration file

Fixed: plugins - MyClouds - files from cannot be played (regression)

Fixed other minor issues

AIMP v5.00.2320 Beta 3 (12.08.2021)

General: support for horizontal scrolling via touch pad

Skin Engine: support for opentype fonts

Skin engine: compatibility with old skins has been improved

Plugins: BASS_MIDI - now an error will occurs on attempt to play midi file if no one sound font is loaded

Plugins: podcasts - the "audio format" column has been added

Fixed: Audio converter - progress of single tracks hangs on 99% if the all/folder to one mode is active

Fixed: playlist - the shuffle mode is not applied to newly created playlist if the "each playlist has own playback mode" option is switched off

Fixed: plugins - podcasts - database from AIMP4 cannot be upgraded to new version, if the URLAudio field has duplicated values

Fixed other minor issues

AIMP v5.00.2317 Beta 2 (13.07.2021)

Default skin: ability to hide music library and playlist panes

Skin engine: potential abilities has been extended

Fixed: general - inverted scrolling of the list during drag-n-drop operations

Fixed other minor issues

AIMP v5.00.2315 Beta (29.06.2021)

Common: localizations has been updated

Common: BASS libraries has been updated

Player: the "Exit" command has been added to command list of tray icon

Fixed: player - import files from external apps settings are ignored if files has been drop to main window

Fixed: tag editor - FLAC - app does not save values of the AlbumArtist / DiskTotal / TrackTotal tag fields (regression)

Fixed: skin engine - transparency mask ignores on import the skins in ACS3 / ACS2 file formats (regression)

Fixed: plugins - visualizations - peak-based visualizations does not work (regression)

Fixed: plugins - MyClouds - access token was not updated automatically during long playlist playback

Fixed: plugins - SACD - the replaygain information is ignored

Fixed other minor issues

AIMP v5.00.2313 Beta (08.06.2021)

General: new design

General: performance has been increased

General: album arts - added the "find in file tags" option

General: lyrics - added the "find in file tags" option

Bookmarks: now its a part of music library

Bookmarks: ability to filter / group bookmarks by name, creation date, source, duration, file size

Bookmarks: ability to ignore bookmark position on start the playback

Bookmarks: support for custom labels and comments

Bookmarks: support for multiple bookmarks editing

Bookmarks: the "Find in source" command has been added

Playlist: added an ability to sort playlist automatically after adding new files / updating metadata

Playlist: added the "Each playlist has its own playback mode (normal / shuffle)" option

Playlist: the "find missed files" function has been added

Smart-playlists: general - additional conditions for date-time fields

Smart-playlists: music library - ability to pre-sort content using few columns

Skin engine: potential abilities has been extended

Skin engine: performance has been improved

Audio converter: sound notification on end of conversion has been added (optional)

Audio converter: the "target file name" column has been added

Audio converter: the "file folder" command has been added

Audio converter: added support for WMA Pro codec

Audio converter: ability to normalize volume level during conversion process

Tag Editor: new tool - chapters creator

Tag Editor: added an ability to view values from unsupported tag fields / remove it

Tag Editor: UI - tag fields now are auto-adjusts their width according available space automatically

Music library: the "Find in music library" command now supports plugin-based data sources

Plugins: scheduler - support for unlimited number of tasks

Plugins: scheduler - ability to repeat task every day / week / month / year

Plugins: scheduler - ability to repeat task throughout day

Plugins: scheduler - new action: jump to next track

Plugins: scheduler - new action: start / stop radio recording

Plugins: scheduler - new action: suspend the playback

Plugins: scheduler - new action: resume the playback

Plugins: scheduler - new action: return to previous state after playing specified number of tracks / playlist

Plugins: scheduler - ability to wait to playing file to finish

Plugins: - has been replaced by the Scrobbler plugin

Plugins: MyClouds - support for changes in API of service

Plugins: scrobbler - ability to display information about artist

Plugins: scrobbler - integration to default skin

Plugins: scrobbler - support for and services

AIMP v4.70.2254 (12.08.2021)

General: support for horizontal scrolling via touch pad

Fixed: general - inverted scrolling of the list during drag-n-drop operations

Fixed: player - import files from external apps settings are ignored if files has been drop to main window

Fixed: plugins - MyClouds - access token was not updated automatically during long playlist playback

Fixed: plugins - SACD - the replaygain information is ignored

Fixed: installer - no way to install the app to network path

AIMP v4.70.2251 (23.05.2021)

Fixed: radio capture - the "split by tracks" option does not work for HLS-streams if stream is capturing without transcoding

Fixed: plugins - WebLyrics - the \n macro does not handled

AIMP v4.70.2248 (04.04.2021)

Sound Engine: TrueHD codec support has been added for MKA container

Tag editor: ability to import lyrics form the SRT file format to file tags

Playlist: the "%inc" and "%dec" macros has been added

Playlist: the %StrLeft and %StrRight macros now supports a string values for second argument

Music Library: The "find missed files" algorithm has been improved

Music library: performance has been increased

Fixed: sound engine - WAV files with 8-bit samples cannot be played

Fixed: playlist - the "you cannot open the destination" error occurs on invoking the "Save As" dialog if playlist name contains a ":" character

Fixed: music library - an error occurs on attempt to delete playing file physically

Fixed: music library - synchronization at app startup skips formats of audio files which are supported by plugins

Fixed: music library - the "synchronize user defined rating with tags of audio file" does not affect to file import operation

Fixed: music library - records not aligned to grid during list scrolling via mouse wheel

AIMP v4.70.2242 (01.02.2021)

Music library: performance has been increased

Music library: improve support for compilations

Fixed: general - AIMP Volume Slider popup works incorrectly with multiple monitor screen configuration

Fixed: Audio converter - target file name contains double extension if the %FileName macro is using renaming template

Fixed: tag editor - target file name contains double extension if the %FileName macro is using renaming template

Fixed: tag editor - cannot read tags from some files in AIFF file format

AIMP v4.70.2239 (22.12.2020)

Audio converter: OGG Vorbis - extended the list of supported sampling rates

Fixed: browse folder dialog - dialog placement restores incorrectly

Fixed: tags - Vorbis Comments - value of the album artist field does not store to OPUS file format (regression)

Fixed: player - does not display meta information for certain HLS-based streams

Fixed: playlist - an error occurs on close the app, if it installed to read only storage

Fixed: plugins - MyClouds - password was not accepted by service if it contains special characters

AIMP v4.70.2236 (22.11.2020)

Common: localizations has been updated

General: reduced number of file accesses on app startup

Audio converter: presets for the AAC+ for command line encoders has been added

Tags: Vorbis Comments - album artist value now stores to the "AlbumArtist" field instead of the "Album Artist"

Plugins: MyClouds - support for new authorization flow for Google.Drive service

Plugins: WebLyrics - providers list has been updated

Fixed: visualizations - visual representation lags behind sound (regression)

Fixed: DSP manager - no way to set balance slider to zero via keyboard

Fixed: music library - the "search for moved or renamed files" function may block UI while content synchronization operation is running in background.

AIMP v4.70.2233 (08.10.2020)

Common: localizations has been updated

Plugins: WebLyrics - providers list has been updated

Fixed: general - incompatibility with the Sonic Studio app

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues has been fixed

AIMP v4.70.2231 (30.09.2020)

Common: localizations has been updated

General: starting playback of a track updates a metadata in playlist and music library

Playlist: relative path generation algorithm has been improved

Plugins: BASS_MIDI - minor usability improvements in settings dialog

Plugins: CDDA - the MusicBrainz service is now used instead of FreeDB

Fixed: internet-radio - unable to play radio stations from the service

Fixed: tags - MP4 - common bitrate is displayed instead of bitrate of audio stream

Fixed: tags - Vorbis Comments - the "file has been locked by another application" error occurs on attempt to save file in certain cases

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.70.2227 (01.09.2020)

Music library: performance has been increased

Plugins: MyClouds - support for changes in API of cloud services

Plugins: WebLyrics - support for URL-encoding in rules for parser

Fixed: sound engine - app plays one track from Audio CD and stops if the "pre-load next track while current is playing" option is switched on and tracks has been added to playlist as files

Fixed: sound engine - replaygain - cache was not reset before new analysis that leads to less accurate calculation results in certain cases

Fixed: tags - MP4 - common bitrate is displayed instead of bitrate of audio stream

Fixed: tags - Vorbis Comments - rating from old versions of player loads incorrectly (regression)

Fixed: music library - rating cannot be set to entire album anymore (regression)

Fixed: plugins - podcasts - duration is not displayed for some podcasts

Fixed: plugins - information bar - app hangs up on Windows XP

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.70.2224 (22.07.2020)

Common: localizations has been updated

Common: the Folder Browser dialog now saves its size between work sessions

Playlist: the %RemoveFileExt macro has been added

Fixed: sound engine - replaygain - preamp works incorrectly

Fixed: album arts - custom album arts for internet radio stations sometimes stops from displayed if caching is enabled

Fixed: playlist - drag-n-drop operation moves files instead of copying it (regression)

Fixed: tag editor - online search does not work for the MusicBrainz / Discogs providers

Fixed: skin engine - multiline RTL-text displays reversed (regression)

Fixed: skin engine - volume control that displays in notification area scales incorrectly

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues has been fixed

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.70.2221 (07.07.2020)

Fixed: plugins - information bar - the "always show" option stops working after reopening the settings dialog

Fixed: plugins - MyClouds - files whose path contains hieroglyphs cannot be played

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.70.2220 RC 3 (16.06.2020)

Common: the WM_APPCOMMAND message is now supported by secondary windows of the app

Tag editor: ability to remove tags from WAV-files in batch mode

Tag editor: compatibility with Windows Explorer has been improved

Fixed: player - does not display meta information for certain HLS-based streams

Fixed: player - incorrect information about the audio stream is displaying for files in WavPack4 file format

Fixed: player - split by tracks during internet radio capture occurs with some delay when capturing without transcoding

Fixed: plugins - update checker - update chanel resets to default value on switch the app language

Fixed: plugins - InputFFmpeg - cannot decode certain files in OMA file format

Fixed: music library - playback count stays on zero value if stat has been reset for the file individually

AIMP v4.70.2217 RC 2 (17.05.2020)

Common: localizations has been updated

Tag editor: the "delete" menu item has been added to context menu of text editors

Tags: now the app ignores spaces around multiple values separator

Music library: the "Catalog" field has been added

Fixed: album arts search - impossible to use absolute paths as templates

Fixed: skin engine - TASEPanel - non-standard blending mode works incorrectly if mask is applied to the element

Fixed: skin engine - TASETextDisplayEx - single line text does not appear if element height less than required (regression)

Fixed: skin engine - docked window does not move to other monitor on disconnect the current monitor

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.70.2215 RC (02.05.2020)

Plugins: AlbumArt Visualization - now you can change rendering mode clicking on visualization display

Common: localizations has been updated

Fixed: skin engine - TASETextDisplayEx - text shadow is truncated if alignment property value is different from taLeftJustify (regression)

Fixed: tags - MP4 - the rating tag field is not supported

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.70.2213 Beta 3 (16.04.2020)

Common: localizations has been updated

Plugins: MyClouds - support for changes in API of service

Fixed: Audio converter - the "Settings" and "Start" buttons are disappear on app startup if custom scale factor is specified in app settings

Fixed: playlist - group with playing track does not expand if the "collapse unused groups automatically" option is switched on

Fixed: player - app unable to open CUE files that contains the "COMPILATION" field

Fixed: skin engine - docked windows may be scaled twice on manual scale factor changing

Fixed: skin engine - TASETextDisplayEx - enabling auto size leads to app crash if the alignment property value is different from taLeftJustify (regression)

AIMP v4.70.2211 Beta 2 (04.04.2020)

Known issues has been fixed

AIMP v4.70.2210 Beta 1 (31.03.2020)

Sound Engine: radio capture - the "skip the track if file with same name is already exists" option has been added

Sound Engine: upper limit of speed control has been increased to 3x

Sound Engine: replaygain - the default value is now used as a basic value for the "on-fly" analysis

Tag editor: autofill tags - support for %albumartist% and %totaltracks% macros

Player: ability to set hotkeys for speed / tempo control

Playlists: ability to select tracks via translucent selection rectangle

Playlist: the "collapse unused groups automatically" option has been added

Playlist: the space key now toggles the auto-playback switch of selected tracks

Playlist: the tracklist content settings now invokes from the "Save As" dialog

Playlist: support for incremental search

Plugins: information bar - updated UI of settings dialog

Plugins: information bar - the "show before playback finish" option has been added

Plugins: information bar - transparency options now affects to the Card view too

Plugins: BASS_MIDI - added an ability to use few sound fonts at same time

Plugins: MyClouds - support for "Shared With Me" category for OneDrive and Google.Drive services

Plugins: Update Checker - ability to select update channel (Alpha / Beta / Release)

Music Library: new background operation no longer interrupts active operation

AIMP v4.60.2180 (25.03.2020)

Fixed: player - values of sound output settings in the drop-down lists displays twice

Fixed: tags - ID3v2 - player detects ANSI encoding incorrectly for words with letters from different languages

AIMP v4.60.2177 (24.02.2020)

Common: localizations has been updated

Fixed: Audio converter - OGG Vorbis - fractional quality values are not available to select (regression)

Fixed: general - an issues with the "image/jpg" MIME-type interpretation (regression)

Fixed: album arts - caching does not work (regression)

Fixed: album arts - GIF files does not displayed in the "File Information" dialog

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.60.2167 (30.12.2019)

Common: localizations has been updated

Playlist: the %FileCreatedDateAndTime and %FileModifiedDateAndTime macros has been added

Fixed: playlist - text representation of track rating is not updated after change the rating

Fixed: playlist - app consume too much memory to import audio files that contains built-in album art in file tags

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues has been fixed

Fixed: tag editor - album arts in GIF file format does not appear

Fixed: tag editor - Windows Explorer stops displaying tags from files in FLAC format after embed the album art into the files

Fixed: tags - MP3 - parameters of audio stream determines incorrectly for some files

Fixed: plugins - podcasts - release date is not displayed for some podcasts

AIMP v4.60.2161 (28.11.2019)

Common: localizations has been updated

Plugins: API has been extended

Player: the /VOLUME command line switch has been added

Advanced search: list of selected to search playlists are now saved between work sessions

Advanced search: dialog's UI has been updated

Fixed: general - you cannot delete file physically if it next in playback queue and the "pre-load next track while current is playing" is switched on

Fixed: skin engine - music library window displays incorrectly in some skins if app is in night mode

Fixed: tag editor - ID3v2 - parser ignores the TMOO field

Fixed: plugins - MyClouds - files whose path is more than 260 characters cannot be played

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.60.2156 (21.10.2019)

Smart-playlists: added an ability to sort files by template even if synchronization with data source is switched on

UI: now you not need to hold Ctrl key to switch between tabs playlists via mouse wheel

Fixed: general - an "Access Violation" error occurs on attempt to invoke settings dialog (regression)

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues has been fixed

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.60.2153 (13.10.2019)

Player: the "resume playback position on app startup" option has been added

Common: localizations has been updated

Sound Engine: replaygain - analysis quality has been improved

Fixed: general - an error occurs on app close if the album art / lyrics search task is active in background

Fixed: sound engine - scratches can be heard during volume changes if the "loudness compensated volume control" option is switched on

Fixed: sound engine - CD playback is interrupted in end of track if the "pre-load next track while current is playing" option is switched on

Fixed: player - the MPEG-DASH containers cannot be played when running at Windows 7 (regression)

Fixed: scheduler - does not handle a new tracks adding to the queue/playlist while last track from queue/playlist is playing

Fixed: skin engine - the "duplicates not allowed" error occurs after rename the object via script

Fixed: skin engine - the GrayScale blending mode works incorrectly

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues has been fixed

Fixed: tags - ID3v2 - app processes #0-separator incorrectly while read the ID3v2.3 tag data

Fixed: plugins - GUI API - some object's properties does not react to changes (regression)

AIMP v4.60.2146 (28.08.2019)

Common: localizations has been updated

Plugins: AlbumArt Visualization - now plugin uses for rendering album art in original resolution

Fixed: Audio converter - an error occurs when trying to encode file using Monkey's Audio codec

Fixed: smart-playlist - content of smart-playlists based on user rating criteria not updated on change the rating in playlist for multiple files at same time

Fixed: plugins - MyClouds - subfolders are not displayed for OneDrive cloud drive

AIMP v4.60.2142 RC 2 (08.08.2019)

Album arts: cache manager now takes disk number into account

Sound engine: the "pre-load next track" option has been added

Fixed: general - few minor issues related to the "night mode" feature

Fixed: skin engine - duplicates of the "playlist" and "music library" menu items are displayed in window's context menu in certain skins

Fixed: tag editor - unable to store values longer than 260 characters to some tag fields

Fixed: tag editor - non-square album arts displays cropped

AIMP v4.60.2137 RC 1 (18.07.2019)

General: glyphs for secondary windows has been updated

General: ability to switch on/off night mode manually

Skin engine: ability to specify custom hotkey to toggle visibility of secondary windows

Playlist: support for IPTV extensions for M3U/M3U8 playlists formats

Plugins: InputFFmpeg plugin has been replaced by BASSWebM

Fixed: general - few minor issues related to the "night mode" feature

Fixed: internet radio - tracks meta of HTTP-Live streams updates incorrectly

Fixed: plugins - - some links has not been localized in the "Information about the file" dialog

AIMP v4.60.2133 Beta 6 (24.06.2019)

General: support of dark mode introduced in Windows 10

General: icons library for file types - special iconset for the M3U and CUE file formats has been added

Plugins: AlbumArt Visualization - fill mode was changed to the "TV like" - album art is no longer cropped

Fixed: skin engine - TASETextDisplay - text incorrectly center by vertically in some cases

Fixed: skin engine - original sizes of hidden background elements sometimes restores incorrectly on applying the skin

Fixed: lyrics - unsupported tags of Enhanced LRC file format are no longer shown

Fixed: tags - MP3 - parameters of variable bitrate stream determines incorrectly in some cases (regression)

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.60.2129 Beta 5 (18.05.2019)

Common: localizations has been updated

Common: saving settings and playlists is now safe to unexpected OS shutdown

Player: internet-radio - support for JSON-based metadata

Music Library: creating a smart-playlist via command in context menu of grouping tree now automatically creates a sorting template based on sorting that uses in music library

Fixed: sound effects - an error occurs on attempt to show hint for volume slider

Fixed: tag editor - Vorbis Comments - loses the information about library version that has been used to create a file

Fixed: skin engine - font color changes during content scrolling in some cases

Fixed: skin engine - TASELayoutItem - the AutoHide feature does not work for items whose property Align is set to alClient

Fixed: skin engine - TASELayoutScrollView always handles the mouse wheel action even if nothing to scroll

Fixed: skin engine - TASEScrollBarXXX - value of the AllowFading property does not take into account

Fixed: skin engine - TASETextDisplayEx - auto size works incorrectly if the alignment property is set value different from taLeftJustify

Fixed: skin engine - TASETextDisplayEx - HitTestByText property works incorrectly if the AlignmentVertical property is set value different from taAlignTop

Fixed: music library - incorrect order of hieroglyphs in alphabetic index

Fixed: music library - issues related to view settings restoring after switching between different data sources

Fixed: plugins - - plugin leads to hang up the application in some cases when display information about the song

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.60.2124 Beta 4 (03.04.2019)

Skin engine: TASESliderVertical / TASESliderHorizontal - support for custom localizations for the TextLabels

Skin engine: TASETextDisplay / TASETextDisplayEx / TASEButton - text alignment and auto-size options has been added

Plugins: the AlbumArt visualization now can be unloaded

Plugins: API for audio decoders has been extended

Fixed: general - the %FileCreatedDate / %FileCreatedTime / %FileModifiedDate / %FileModifiedTime macros does not work for virtual files

Fixed: lyrics - the %FileName% macro does not work (regression)

Fixed: plugins - FFmpeg based plugin crashes on attempt to play the file (regression)

Fixed: plugins - Lastfm - an error occurs on track start if the track information dialog and similar artists panel are visible

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.60.2120 Beta 3 (11.03.2019)

Smart-playlists: folders - now content will be sorted by file name if sort template is not specified

Music Library: drawing performance has been increased for the "group details" and "album thumbnails" views

Fixed: skin engine - the %time(..) macro does not accept localizable arguments

Fixed: skin engine - edit field - text position calculates incorrectly if text shadow is displayed

Fixed: skin engine - the TASEPanel.OnMouseUp event does not fired

Fixed: plugins - FFmpeg - the album gain value initializes incorrectly for files in OPUS file format if track gain is not specified in file header

Fixed: plugins - FFmpeg - player ignores some tag fields for known file formats if the plugin is loaded

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.60.2115 Beta 2 (03.02.2019)

Common: localizations has been updated

Common: BASS libraries has been updated

Sound Engine: ability to disable samples interpolation for tracker music

Tag Editor: the copy / cut / paste buttons has been added near the lyrics editor

Tag Editor: ID3v2.4 - support for tag fields with multiple values

Skin Engine: scripts - performance of objects binding procedure has been improved

Skin Engine: TASETextDisplayEx - word wrap performance has been improved

Plugins: MyClouds - support for changes in API of OneDrive service

Fixed: smart-playlists - filter by file type does not work for audio files with CUE

Fixed: Tag Editor - auto-filing function based on the Discord and MusicBrainz services put the data to ISRC tag field instead of the Catalog tag field.

Fixed: Tag Editor - BPM calculation - preview dialog uses different rounding algorithm than used for save the data to tags

Fixed: Tag Editor - removing album art for internet radio station in the dialog does not remove it from local database

Fixed: Music Library - view point position was not restored after restart the app if the "group details" or "thumbnails" view is used

Fixed: Plugins - - showing the "Information About the Track" dialog leads to app hangs if description for the track is too long

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.60.2113 Beta (17.01.2019)

General: clouds support

General: podcasts support

UI: ability to disable auto-hiding of windows that docked to screen edges in desktop toolbars mode

Sound engine: ability to remap channels

Sound engine: upper limit of tempo and speed has been increased to 2x

Sound engine: limit of pause between tracks has been increased up to 15 minutes

Sound engine: settings of the "remove silence" feature has been extended

Sound engine: loudness compensated volume control (optionally)

Player: ability to capture only one track from internet radio

Player: ability to specify album art for internet radio

Player: the %bitdepth and %comment (for playing track only) macros has been added

Player: the "jump to next track and pause the playback" option has been added

Player: the "pause the playback on app startup" option has been added

Playlist: smart-playlists - folders - ability to filter files by extensions

Audio converter: added an ability to pause conversion operation

Audio converter: ability to customize hotkeys

Tag editor: visual appearance has been updated

Tag editor: ability to customize hotkeys

Tag editor: batch download album arts / lyrics for specified files

Tag editor: batch copying ID3v2 to ID3v1 and vice versa

Tag editor: ability to find and download information about the album from musicBrainz / discogs / services

Tag Editor: support for in-place expressions in text tag fields

Plugins: - ability to disable scrobbling for remote files

Plugins: - ability to specify folders that will be ignored for scrobbling

Plugins: - scrobbling status is now displayed over tray icon

Plugins: - similar artists are now displayed in track info dialog

AIMP v4.51.2084 (01.12.2018)

Common: localizations has been updated

Sound Engine: support for dynamic stream format changes during internet radio station playback.

Plugins: - information about track - album tags are displayed if no tags are defined on track level

Plugins: - minimal threshold for scrobbling is now set to 1%

Fixed: Audio converter - source files that presented as audio files with CUE are not deleted after conversion even if option with same name is switched on

Fixed: Player - the "auto-adjust equalizer for a track" calculates an priority for presets incorrectly in some cases

Fixed: Playlist - drive letter in file names replaces to another one during the "reload tags for files" operation if these files has been indexed by music library at other drive

Fixed: playlist - auto bookmark is not created for the playing playlist on close the app (regression)

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.51.2080 (07.07.2018)

General: the %today() macro has been added

Fixed: common - UTF-8 detection algorithm works incorrectly on windows with chinese locale

Fixed: common - app cannot be minimized to taskbar if app's taskbar button hidden via app settings

Fixed: player - apps hangs during internet radio playback if the "skip silence" option is switched on

Fixed: playlist - auto-name generates based on first file only in some cases

Fixed: playlist - auto-generated name cannot be put as user defined name

Fixed: lyrics - the "find in internet" option does not work with non-local files

Fixed: lyrics - LRC - value of the "offset" tag processes incorrectly

Fixed: music library - the "disk was not found" error occurs on app startup, if paths with unknown drives are in the list for monitor while running

Fixed: music library - apps hangs on invoke context menu with custom labels at first time if one or more DB operations are active in background

Fixed: music library - scrollbar position of table resets on delete files from table

AIMP v4.51.2077 (08.05.2018)

Tag editor: the %random() macro now can be used without argument, in this case maximal value will be equal to number of files to process

Fixed: skin engine - values that accessible from scripts does not take current scale factor into account

Fixed: skin engine - TASETextDisplayEx - auto size works incorrectly if the alignment property is set value different from taLeftJustify

AIMP v4.51.2075 (01.05.2018)

Plugins: compatibility with plugins from v2.60 has been improved

Fixed: Audio converter - tracks are skipped in some cases if the "one folder to one file" mode is used

Fixed: player - replaygain - preamp for values from tags affects to default replaygain value

Fixed: playlist - click at group header selects all tracks in group including tracks that has been hidden by quick search filter

Fixed: tags - ID3v2 - data from the USLT tag field is interpreted incorrectly in some cases

Fixed: music library - grouping tree preset editor - default sorting value is displayed incorrectly

AIMP v4.51.2073 (12.04.2018)

Tag editor: the %random(a) macro has been added

Fixed: plugins - API - the IAIMPServiceFileTagEditor service cannot be used from non-main thread

Fixed: plugins - inputFFmpeg - bitrate for files in OPUS file format was not displayed (regression)

Fixed: plugins - InputFFmpeg - memory leaks occurs during playback of files that contains multiple streams

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.51.2070 (01.04.2018)

Audio converter: new encoding mode - "single folder - single file"

DSP-manager: ability to remove silence longer than 0.5 seconds

DSP-manager: now you can specify different preamp values for the "on-the-fly analysis" or "value from tags" modes

Tag editor: ability to start autonumeration from specified index

Tag editor: support for the "delete word left/right from cursor" commands in text boxes

Lyrics: support for lyrics that embedded to CUE sheet

Plugins: new built-in visualization called "album art" has been added

Default skin: ability to customize text size for lyrics box

Music LIbrary: table - ability to specify action by double click on table items

Music library: table - cards in group details view mode are now groups by value of first displaying field

Music library: core - performance of DB engine has been improved

Fixed: general - control's images in dialogs displays too small if app is running on monitor with scale factor more or equal to 200%

Fixed: AudioConverter - the "remove sources on successful conversion" does not work with audio files that split by CUE sheet

Fixed: AudioConverter - calculation of total progress does not take files duration into account

Fixed: AudioConverter - stat does not take all parts of the output file into account, if it has been divided into several physical files during conversion

Fixed: player - the "restore playback position for each playlist" works incorrectly in some cases

Fixed: tag editor - unexpected behavior on jumping to next track in the list, if the list has been sorted by tag field that was changed during editing

Fixed: tag editor - the album art field does not read from files in OPUS file format

Fixed: skin engine - text scaling works incorrectly for skins that does not support for high dpi on system with dpi that differs from 96 dpi

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues has been fixed

Fixed: music library - canceling background task may leads to hangs the app

Fixed: music library - grouping / filtering works incorrectly with the "copyrights" field

Fixed: music library - grouping tree - quick search value specified in one data source affects to other

Fixed: plugins - inputFFmpeg - displays total bitrate of file instead bitrate of audio stream

Fixed: plugins - - invoking the dialog with track information on app startup leads to hangs the app

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.50.2058 (27.12.2017)

Fixed: player - internet radio capture without transcoding does not work (regression)

Fixed: skin engine - unnecessary re-creation of the window handle during state restoring, if it was maximized (regression)

Fixed: skin engine - layout of content of music library and playlist re-calculates incorrectly on text scaling in some cases

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues has been fixed

Fixed: utilities - files does not transferred from the player in certain cases (regression)

AIMP v4.50.2055 (17.12.2017)

Skin engine: ability to use the old-style scaling behavior

Skin engine: custom possible scale factor has been extended up to 500%

Fixed: Audio converter - default template for FAAC command line encoder is invalid (regression)

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues has been fixed

Fixed: smart-playlists - tracks meta data were not updated on synchronization in some cases

Fixed: player - information about the playing track not updated on the screen for stations that broadcast in the OGG / FLAC / OPUS formants

Fixed: playlist - auto bookmark is not created for the playing playlist on close the app

Fixed: tag editor - tag fields with multiple values are read incorrectly in some cases for M4A file format

Fixed: tag editor - the "all words with capital letter" function works incorrectly in some cases

Fixed: plugins - inputFFmpeg - replaygain information was not read from file tags for OPUS file format

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.50.2048 (19.11.2017)

General: the LAME codec has been updated to v3.100

Fixed: lyrics - auto search does not work for tracks from CUE sheet

Fixed: music library - player processes meta data of track incorrectly if the title field contains a "feat" key work

Fixed: music library - filter by the "(none)" value works incorrectly in some cases

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues has been fixed

Fixed: lyrics - the LRC file format parser processes some brackets incorrectly

Fixed: plugins - InputFFmpeg - the AlbumArtist tag field was not read from file tags

Fixed: plugins - InputFFmpeg - memory leak

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.50.2042 (30.10.2017)

General: 3rd party libraries has been updated

Fixed: playlists - changing the read only setting does not take any effect if playlist was not yet loaded

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.50.2037 RC 2 (17.10.2017)

Lyrics: options for finding lyrics in folders has been extended

Music library: performance of getting file stats operation has been improved

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues were fixed

Fixed: default skin - minor issues has been fixed

Fixed: playlist - sort the files by created time does not take milliseconds into account

Fixed: plugins - inputFFmpeg - replaygain information was not read from file tags

AIMP v4.50.2031 RC (23.09.2017)

Fixed: player - duration of the audio file in the FLAC format calculates incorrectly if real duration more than 24 hours

Fixed: player - detects sample rate incorrectly for some files in WavPack format

Fixed: player - does not detect the bitrate of 64-bit M4A files

Fixed: player - the "prevent display from powering off" option does not work with mini-player

Fixed: skin engine - few small graphic issues that happens when manual scaling mode is used

Fixed: music library - the content of grouping tree sorts incorrectly in some cases

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.50.2026 Beta 3 (06.09.2017)

Music library: table - ability to customize list of fields for grouping

Music library: table - ability to customize list of fields that used for group details

Music library: quick navigate through field value now operates via ctrl+click

Fixed: common - secondary windows can be appeared outside the screen area on showing

Fixed: Audio converter - the stats does not reset before new transcoding operation

Fixed: player - value of the catalog key does not stored to CUE

Fixed: player - files that ends with the " -" text are not imported to playlist from windows explorer via the "play all"command

Fixed: skin engine - empty lines of lyrics are not displayed

Fixed: skin engine - scrolling via mouse wheel stops working after restoring minimized window

Fixed: skin engine - TASETextDisplayEx - content of the element are truncated if font with shadow is used

Fixed: skin engine - TASETextDisplayEx - current line of lyrics is shifted to right side if formatting are applied to it

Fixed: music library - closing the app during DB update operation leads to hangs the app

Fixed: music library - table - width of group details area resets to default value after app restart

Fixed: music library - table - canceling the sorting by columns are resets collapsed state of all groups in the list

Fixed: plugins - API - result of the AIMP_SERVICE_OPTIONSDIALOG_NOTIFICATION_CAN_SAVE notification does not take into account when closing the options dialog via the "OK" button

Fixed: installer - shortcuts of normal version of player are deleted during installation of new copy of player in portable mode

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.50.2023 Beta 2 (21.08.2017)

Player: support for ATRAC3 file format

Skin engine: the "gray scale" blending mode has been added

Skin engine: ability to specify custom scale factor for skinned windows

Default skin: support for 125% scale factor

Fixed: common - some UI elements displays incompletely on systems with non-standard scale factor

Fixed: player - values of new tag fields does not stored to CUE

Fixed: player - the MKA files cannot be played if it contains audio stream in FLAC format

Fixed: player - playback position calculates incorrectly for some files in the MKA file format

Fixed: player - some files in AAC file format cannot be played now (regression)

Fixed: skin-engine - an error occurs when applying custom skin if scale factor is differs from 100%

Fixed: skin engine - wave for the waveform-navigator calculates incorrectly (regression)

Fixed: skin engine - window loses focus after restoring from minimized state

Fixed: skin engine - blending modes that differs from normal works incorrectly with semi-transparent textures

Fixed: lyrics - an error occurs on trying to open lyrics in LRC file format if it contains only one time stamp.

Fixed: lyrics - the SRT file format parser does not take empty lines into account that defined as text

Fixed: installer - the "no profiles" exception occured when trying to install update if installed version has never been started before

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.50.2020 Beta (08.08.2017)

General: support for 4k monitors

General: support for monitors with different DPI

Player: decoders for the WebM and matroska audio formats has been added

Player: the "jump 5 sec back on start if playback is paused for more than 15 seconds" option has been added

Player: the "restore playback position for each playlist" option has been added

Player: the "jump to next track on deleting playing file from playlist" option has been added

Player: support for lyrics in the .LRC and .SRT file formats (skin must support lyrics too)

Playlist: smart-playlists based on playlists - support for "monitor for changes while running"

Playlist: advanced search - ability to show the file information dialog from search window

Playlist: advanced search - the "find in music library" command has been added to dialog's context menu

Skin engine: support for scaling

Skin engine: potential abilities has been extended

Audio converter: ability to close the app automatically after conversion

Audio converter: the statistics are now shown after conversion (optional)

Tag editor: the lyricist, mood, conductor, catalog, compilation, ISRC, rating and encoder tag fields has been added

Tag editor: ability to download lyrics from the internet (additional plugins are required)

Music library: new DB engine that improved performance by 10 times

Music library: the lyricist, mood, conductor and comment columns has been added

Music library: ability to quick access to the "reset column filter" commands via context menu of filter button

Music library: ability to reset stats for selected files only

Music library: ability to size group details area in default skin

Music library: column customization menu no longer closes after the click

Plugins: API - lyrics API has been added

AIMP v4.13.1897 (25.06.2017)

Audio converter: special build of LAME codec with unicode file names support has been added

Fixed: sound engine - some scrunchies can be heard when stopping playback by closing the application

Fixed: sound engine - app hangs on lost the audio focus if DirectSound method is used for output

Fixed: playlist - playlists with relative paths in AIMPPL4 format are imported incorrectly if file path is started form + or - character

Fixed: tag editor - WAV-file that was edited in AIMP opens in adobe audition with the "meta data is corrupted" message in some cases

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.13.1895 (07.05.2017)

Audio converter: encoder to MP3 format is now distributed with app

Fixed: player - an issue with opening files from AIMP's context menu that integrated to windows explorer

Fixed: plugins - API - adding files to playlist with the AIMP_PLAYLIST_ADD_FLAGS_FILEINFO flag produces internal exception in some cases

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.13.1893 (06.04.2017)

Fixed: plugins - API - the IAIMPPlaylistQueue2 interface has no implementation (regression)

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.13.1891 (02.04.2017)

Player: support for ID3v1 tag for remote files

Music library: performance of grouping tree has been improved

Fixed: Audio converter - FLAC - an error occured during converting process on some PC

Fixed: Audio converter - FLAC / OGG - encoders works incorrectly with multiple values from tags fields

Fixed: sound engine - UI hangs if decoder does not respond for a long time

Fixed: music library - the name of target playlist generates incorrectly for files dragged from grouping tree of music library

Fixed: music library - report generates incorrectly for fields with multiple values

Fixed: plugins - - plugin leads to hang up the application in some cases when display information about the song

AIMP v4.13.1889 (08.03.2017)

Music library: reports - limits of tables has been extended

Fixed: internet radio - the station name instead of the track title is displayed in some cases

Fixed: music library - reports - tracks with same values of the title and artist field processes as single track

AIMP v4.13.1887 (19.02.2017)

Fixed: player - an issue with opening multiple files from the windows explorer (you need to re-associate file types)

AIMP v4.13.1886 (14.02.2017)

Plugins: information bar - ability to show information bar via hotkey

General: the FLAC codec has been updated to v1.3.2

General: the WavPack codec has been updated to v5.1.0

Sound engine: algorithm that calculates channels remapping matrix has been improved

Sound engine: compatibility with external sound cards has been improved when playing using exclusive device access mode

Music LIbrary: grouping tree - search is now take into account only fully loaded node levels

Music library: reports - the artist tag field is now used instead of the AlbumArtist field

Music library: table - memory consumption has been reduced for views with album arts

Fixed: common - addons packages cannot be installed if one of files in the packages is not compressed

Fixed: options dialog - file associations - first icon set are always selected in the dialog

Fixed: options dialog - hotkeys - incorrect groups order in the table

Fixed: options dialog - skins - installing update for the skin does not refresh information about the skin if options dialog is displaying

Fixed: player - information about the playing track not updated on the screen, if internet radio station sends meta-data very often

Fixed: player - app hangs in some cases during switching the tracks on radio, if internet radio capture is active

Fixed: playlist - the file size field stores incorrectly to the AIMPPL4 file format, if the value is more than 2 GBytes

Fixed: playlist - confirmation for the delete file physically action displays behind other windows if app is minimized to tray

Fixed: Audio converter - command line switches processes incorrectly in some cases

Fixed: tag editor - command line switches processes incorrectly in some cases

Fixed: tag editor - the ANSI encoding is used instead of UTF8 for export the CUE / lyrics fields to a file

Fixed: tag editor - cache not updated after calculating the BPM

AIMP v4.12.1880 (06.01.2017)

General: compatibility with the TeamViewer QuickConnect

Sound engine: compatibility with external sound cards has been improved

Music library: files monitoring - ability to add few folders at same time

Fixed: common - command line - switches are case sensitive

Fixed: common - command line - values that contains ; or = symbols processes incorrectly

Fixed: common - scrolling delta calculates incorrectly when touchpad is used

Fixed: tag editor - files that specified via command line are ignored

Fixed: music library - short links does not work (regression)

Fixed: music library - quick search in grouping tree does not work (regression)

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.12.1878 (25.12.2016)

Sound engine: support of ASIO devices with number of output channels more than 30

Fixed: skin engine - the main window does not become active after closing child window

Fixed: music library - grouping tree - selection resets to default state in some cases if the "by folders" grouping template is used

Fixed: music library - grouping tree - sorting works incorrectly in some cases

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.12.1873 RC (10.12.2016)

Playlist: auto-name generation algorithm now can use information from the artist, AlbumArtist and album tag fields

Fixed: sound engine - sound distortions occurs after automatic switching to next track in set if resampler is used and duration of cross-mixing effect is lower than 200 msec

Fixed: player - non-complete information about the track is displayed during playback of remote file that is in the OPUS / FLAC or OGG format

Fixed: playlist - only single URL can be added to playlist via drag-n-drop

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.12.1870 Beta (28.11.2016)

General: 3rd party libraries has been updated

Player: performance of file adding operation has been improved

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.12.1860 Beta (05.11.2016)

General: you no longer required to run application as administrator to install add-ons or setup the file associations

General: support of easy-to-install technology for add-ons packages in *.zip / *.aimppack formats

Audio converter: the "shutdown computer after conversion" settings are no longer disabled during conversion operation

Audio converter: presets for the fdkaac command line encoder has been added (thanks to Soolo)

Fixed: player - player starts playing playlist that imported from external application from second track instead of first in some cases

Fixed: player - mouse click at icon in notification area may be ignored in some cases

Fixed: sound engine - an error in synchronization mechanism between threads that leads to application crash

Fixed: file information - dialog appears behind the music library and playlist windows if the windows are undocked from main and the "stay on top" option is switched on

Fixed: music library - state of the "combine empty grouping levels when possible" option is ignored

Fixed: music library - local files - the "automatically delete non-existing files from DB" function works incorrectly in some cases

Fixed: music library - local files - the files monitoring function does not track the file content changes

Fixed: music library - local files - an error in query builder may leads to application crash

Fixed: music library - smart-playlists - content disappears after re-saving the smart-playlist settings

Fixed: music library - smart-playlists - filtering works incorrectly for columns that support the multiple values

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.11.1841 (09.10.2016)

Fixed: playlist - the "add entire folder if one file is sent" option does not work correctly in some cases (regression)

Fixed: playlist - no ability to select few collapsed groups via keyboard

Fixed: music library - table - album thumbnails view - playback that invoked via mouse double click always started from the first track in group

Fixed: music library - minor issues were fixed

Fixed: plugins - API - an error occurs when calculating the hash code for certain images (regression)

AIMP v4.11.1839 (30.09.2016)

Playlist: ability to search items by absolute item index in the list

Music library: table - local files - average rating is now displayed for each group

Music library: table - album thumbnails view - ability to expand/collapse groups

Music library: table - loading speed of album arts has been increased at 10 times

Music library: table - position of group in the list does not affect to records sorting anymore

Fixed: player - the information about the playing track from internet radio station was not updated in some cases

Fixed: playlist - sorting by the duration or/and channel count fields works incorrectly

Fixed: tag editor - copying the album art to clipboard produces an invalid bitmap stream

Fixed: music library - application crashes when trying to close the "misplaced files" dialog if search process is active

Fixed: music library - smart-playlists - the NOT operator does not work for the "contains", "begins with" and "ends with" operations for fields that support the multiple values (thanks to vasiliy)

Fixed: installer - the "out of memory" exception occurs during creating the uninstaller on some PCs

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.10.1831 (31.08.2016)

Advanced search: ability to select certain playlists for search

Advanced search: search string and result are now saves within a single working session

Skin engine: rendering has been optimized

Fixed: common - an error occurs in some cases during application startup that leads to crash the application if the aimp_VK plugin is loaded

Fixed: common - content of legend for macros does paints incorrectly

Fixed: skin engine - the position of float-arrow calculates incorrectly

Fixed: tag editor - MP4 - encoding of titles of QuickTime chapters detects incorrectly in some cases

Fixed: music library - content of smart-playlist disappears on assigning the "sort by field" option in filtering settings

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.10.1827 (08.08.2016)

General: 3rd party libraries were updated

Tag editor: leading and trailing spaces will be removed now on save the changes

Music library: selection in the table can be inverted now via the num * key

Fixed: common - an error occurs in some cases during application startup that leads to crash the application

Fixed: plugins - API - file cannot be downloaded if URL contains the ":" symbol in the path

Fixed: plugins - CDDA - an access provider to the CDDB does not work

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.10.1823 RC (22.07.2016)

Plugin: API has been extended

Player: the "show current track information in taskbar" option is now affects to album art in aero peek.

Fixed: player - bitrate of files in MP3 format detects incorrectly in some cases

Fixed: music library - an error occurs when applying the column filter

Fixed: music library - memory corruption occurs when using music library as preimage for smart-playlist

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.10.1820 Beta 2 (06.07.2016)

Sound engine: waveform-navigator for remote files is now supported

Smart-playlist: ability to use local / remote playlist file as preimage

Plugins: CDDA - support for the CUE format in CDText

Plugins: BASS_HLS - support for HTTP live streaming (beta)

Music library: quick switching between templates of the grouping tree are now going via ctrl+shift+click in the table

Fixed: sound engine - stops the playback in some cases after ending the remote desktop session

Fixed: tag editor - few minor issues when editing tracks from CUE

Fixed: music library - poor performance of quick search in grouping tree

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.10.1816 Beta 1 (18.06.2016)

Known bugs were fixed

AIMP v4.10.1815 Beta 1 (15.06.2016)

Player: MP4 - support for QuickTime chapters (that located in section with audio data)

Player: internet radio - ability to skip short tracks during recording

Player: internet radio - displaying of buffering progress

Player: internet radio - support for background recording

Tag editor: autofill tags - ability to exclude file from operation

Tag editor: autofill tags - improve the usability of settings dialog

Tag editor: ability to crop the album arts images

Tag editor: ability to edit CUE sheets

Tag editor: support for the WAV format

Music library: the "play selected files" command has been added

Music library: new view for groups in the table - thumbnails

Music library: ability to filter data in grouping tree by search string has been introduced

Plugins: API has been extended

AIMP v4.02.1725 (11.06.2016)

Playlist: ability import playlists in the WPL format

Plugins: compatibility with plugins from v2.60 has been improved

Fixed: common - tray icon display options are resets after restart the application

Fixed: tag editor - resizing album art changes the image file format

Fixed: music library - poor performance in some cases

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.02.1721 (30.05.2016)

General: 3rd party libraries were updated

Fixed: common - the %FileFormat macro does not work correctly for URLs

Fixed: playlist - advanced search - search by multiple keywords in different tag fields works incorrectly

Fixed: tag editor - APEv2 - multi-line fields saves incorrectly if their data contains ";" symbol

Fixed: tag editor - displays last cover from the files instead of the front cover

Fixed: music library - an error occurs when populating the list of possible values for filter by column

Fixed: music library - hangs on application start up in some cases

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.02.1717 (08.05.2016)

Plugins: analog meter - no limitation for pointer angle

Plugins: analog meter - ability to specify different textures and parameters for left and right units

Fixed: plugins - analog meter - founded bugs were fixed

Fixed: plugins - API - the does not work (regression)

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.02.1713 (26.04.2016)

Plugins: analog meter - support for custom skins

General: 3rd party libraries has been updated

Fixed: common - app cannot be started in compatibility mode (regression)

Fixed: player - album arts does not displayed for images + CUE (regression)

Fixed: tags - MP4 - the rating tag field is not supported

Fixed: music library - the "(show all)" command ignores alphabetic index in some cases

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.02.1711 (17.04.2016)

Sound engine: added support for wave64 file format (PCM and IEEE_FLOAT codecs are supported)

Sound engine: spectrum data has a logarithmic scale now

Sound engine: spectrum data is now calculates for hearing range of frequencies only (20 hz - 20 KHz)

Playlist: ability to switch playlist via context menu of the playlist tab

UI: table elements - changing the sorting direction of column that used in data grouping affects now to groups position too

Plugins: analog meter - all textures adapted for FullHD screens

Album arts: cache manager now takes album year into account

Fixed: AudioConverter - MP3 - the VBR header was not stored to the target file

Fixed: AudioConverter - MP3 - the joint stereo mode is always used if bitrate mode is set to the CBR / ABR

Fixed: DSP manager - volume normalization settings are resets too when reset sound effects settings

Fixed: player - internet radio - the HTML-codes displays instead of human-readable text for some radio stations

Fixed: player - the "0.00 db" value of the replaygain field recognized by player as undefined

Fixed: playlist - an error occurs if cancel the input query for name for new playlist during import the file from external application operation

Fixed: skin engine - TASESpectrumDisplay - column count changes after resize the element

Fixed: skin engine - window resize rectangle does not snap to monitor edge if taskbar is hidden

Fixed: music library - the "(show all)" command ignores alphabetic index

Fixed: music library - filters - the "contains" operator is case sensitive for non-latin characters

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.01.1705 (19.03.2016)

Fixed: bookmarks - selected bookmarks removes after sorting via drag-n-drop (regression)

Fixed: skin engine - some skins from AIMP3 loads incorrectly (regression)

Fixed: UI - in-place editing does not work in table elements (regression)

AIMP v4.01.1703 (15.03.2016)

General: the FIJO flat icons are now default file icons (thanks to zigar)

Audio converter: the "file name" column has been added

Playlist: the "import entire folder if one file is sent" option has been introduced in the "open files from external applications" category

Playlist: reloading file tags in the playlist now updates these files in the database of music library

Music library: ability to add selected files to bookmarks

Music library: ability to replace rating in DB from tags when updating information about the files if the "synchronize user mark with file tags" option is switched on

Music library: ability to drag group via album art thumbnail

Music library: algorithm of files monitor has been improved

Fixed: common - CUE parser ignores apostrophe at the beginning or end of the value

Fixed: player - the "%index"macro skipped when copying file information to clipboard

Fixed: smart-playlists - automatic synchronization does not work (regression)

Fixed: tag editor - focused item is always processed even if it not selected

Fixed: music library - click at the "mark" column via MMB or RMB changes the value

Fixed: music library - labels in context menu are not sorted by name

Fixed: music library - no way to scroll list of labels via scroll bar if one of labels is selected

Fixed: music library - adding / updating process interrupts if an error occurred when processing one of files

Fixed: music library - filtering works incorrectly if one of filters contains a NOT OR / NOT AND operations

Fixed: UI - tables with groups - an error occurs when deleting the content of group and group is focused

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1697 (22.02.2016)

General: 3rd party libraries has been updated

Playlist: the "%!" macro is now affects to next macro, not to entire formatting line

Fixed: playlist - loses focus after quick search

Fixed: tag editor - some genres are duplicated after the re-opening of the window

Fixed: tag editor - an AV exception occurs sometimes when renaming group of files

Fixed: music library - navigation via short links does works incorrectly (regression)

Fixed: music library - table view - sorting resets to defaults after restart the app

Fixed: plugins - API - an error in the IAIMPExtensionPlaybackQueue.OnSelect method (regression)

Fixed: plugins - - no line breaks for details in the "track information" dialog

AIMP v4.00.1695 (14.02.2016)

Fixed: music library - customized layout of columns is not saved

AIMP v4.00.1694 (14.02.2016)

General: digital signature has been updated

Audio converter: list of templates for NeroAAC has been extended

Fixed: common - CUE parser cannot determine fields with multiple values in some cases

Fixed: player - application hangs when switching tracks on radio stations that broadcast in the format FLAC

Fixed: bookmarks - position does not saved after manual sorting in the dialog

Fixed: UI - table elements - multiple selection via selection rectangle works buggly

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues were fixed

Fixed: Audio converter - cannot scroll the list with files if converting process is active

Fixed: Audio converter - stores tags to the MusePack in the ID3v2 format instead of the APEv2 format.

Fixed: Audio converter - click the "jump to folder" button opens the plugins directory if path is empty

Fixed: tag editor - ID3v2 - does not display information from some tag fields if file was exported from the audacity app

Fixed: tag editor - application hangs when trying to edit file with corrupted album art

Fixed: tag editor - replaygain calculation works incorrectly in mode "get album from tags"

Fixed: music library - an error occurs when window redraws if grouping tree is in loading data process

Fixed: music library - smart-playlists - poor performance for lists with multiple filters

Fixed: music library - custom grouping templates works incorrectly

Fixed: music library - application hangs in some cases when removing multiple files from folder that monitored by music library

Fixed: music library - value of option that switch off recursive scanning for folder was resets after restart the app

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1687 (18.01.2016)

Skin engine: seek bar - hint with position under mouse cursor now appears

Fixed: common - the "move to..." command does not work for playing file

Fixed: UI - table elements - selection of all items via ctrl+a shortcut moves focus to first item

Fixed: playlists manager - an empty playlists were created when moving few folders via drag-n-drop to playlists list

Fixed: player - internet radio - meta information changed too early than track really started

Fixed: tag editor - OGG / FLAC / OPUS - multi-line fields saves incorrectly if their data contains ";" symbol

Fixed: skin engine - default frame index of TASEAnimator element always equals to 0 even if binding is defined

Fixed: skin engine - few compatibility issues with old skins were fixed

Fixed: skin engine - localizations for custom context menus was not refreshed in real-time

Fixed: skin engine - hint in music library table / playlist blinks when running under windows 7 if desktop composition is disabled

Fixed: skin engine - window content was not refreshed after changing the element placement from script

Fixed: music library - import data base from AIMP3 - files from network locations cannot be imported

Fixed: music library - the "find in music library" command does not work if the "no grouping" mode is selected

Fixed: music library - playback accounting works incorrectly if playback speed different from default value

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1683 (29.12.2015)

Skin engine: waveform-navigator - accuracy of analysis has been improved

Fixed: common - application hangs in some cases on closing, and continuing playback of playlist

Fixed: player - encoding of online-stream in ukrainian detects incorrectly

Fixed: player - files from CUE sheets cannot be send to tag editor app

Fixed: skin engine - calculating the waveform for seekbar can be canceled spontaneously in some cases

Fixed: music library - RMB at content of the "labels" column displays common context menu instead of menu for labels

Fixed: music library - the "check for new files at application start up" function does not work in some cases

Fixed: music library - scrolling via gestures does not work

AIMP v4.00.1680 (22.12.2015)

UI: ability to switch on countdown in context menu of seek bar

UI: the bliss dark skin has been added

Fixed: common - the app does not work on some computers because of crash in the libsoxr.dll / aimp_vorbis.dll

Fixed: common - CUE parser ignores delimiter symbols in unquoted field values (regression)

Fixed: skin engine - playlist name after rename does not updated in visible skin elements

Fixed: tag editor - the replaygain from file with CUE sheet does not show in the "information about file" dialog

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1678 (15.12.2015)

Fixed: playlists manager - manual sorting does not work

Fixed: player - tracker music - noise appears on some files after seeking

Fixed: playlists - newly added playlists via dran-n-drop always moved at the end of list

Fixed: skin - album art from the playing file is displaying in card with information about the file from playlist

Fixed: skin engine - the "smooth transparency" option sometimes works incorrectly

Fixed: skin engine - click via right mouse button at running line displays context menu of window in addition to dialog with information about playing file

Fixed: music library - grouping tree - double click at selected node does not collapse / expand it

Fixed: music library - the "local files" tab header is not drop target for files unlike playlists tabs

Fixed: music library - smart-playlist - value that equals to "rating" of the "sort by field" option resets after restart the application

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1675 RC 3 (30.11.2015)

Options dialog: the "OK" button has been added

Options dialog: multiple selection in skin chooser frame

Playlist: added an ability to rescan tags for selected files only

Audio converter: MP3 encoder - added an ability to select target sample rate

Tag editor: ability to select all types of tags by one click

Fixed: playlist - M3U - parser works with comments incorrectly

Fixed: skin - no window context menu in mini player

Fixed: skin engine - changing the hue processes incorrectly for fonts of some elements

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues were fixed

Fixed: music library - AIMP3 DB import - labels cannot be imported

Fixed: plugins - SACD - seeking works incorrectly when playing file that size more than 4 GB

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1670 RC 2 (13.11.2015)

Audio converter: ability to switch off grouping

General: CUE parser - support for multiple values fields

Tag editor: added an ability to store custom values to list of the "genre" edit field

Fixed: playlists manager - an error occurs when click on delete button that available if the "remove playlist when closing tab" options is switched on

Fixed: skin engine - a space character has been added to text box when focusing it via TAB key

Fixed: skin engine - backward navigation via shift+tab key does not work

Fixed: skin engine - options that allows to temporary switch off transparency of window conflicts with desktop toolbar mode

Fixed: skin engine - an error occurs when closing the application, if mouse cursor is located under docked child window

Fixed: skin engine - TASEPanel - context menu does not work

Fixed: skin engine - TASEVisualDisplay - hit-test mask ignored if visualization is active

Fixed: music library - an error occurs when trying to set mark to few files

Fixed: music library - an incorrect drive for tracks is displayed in some cases

Fixed: plugins - few minor issues in new version of API

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1667 RC 1 (30.10.2015)

Fixed: common - browse folder dialog - name of parent folder is lost after create the new folder

Fixed: common - problems with closing the application via context menu of app button at taskbar

Fixed: common - URL cannot be moved from one playlist to other via drag-n-drop

Fixed: player - internet-radio - cyrillic symbols does not detected correctly in some cases

Fixed: playlist - managing playlists dialog - double click at scroll bar selects playlist item under it

Fixed: playlist - dropping playlist file to the playlist tabs area does not import it as playlist file

Fixed: skin engine - hint for the bookmark in the drop down bookmarks menu was not skinned

Fixed: skin engine - hint for playlist item does not take zoom factor into account

Fixed: advanced search - the "index in queue" column is too small by default

Fixed: advanced search - selected track starts playing by double-clicking at separator between columns

Fixed: music library - local hotkeys that contains only the SHIFT modifier does not work

Fixed: music library - the "composer" tag field does work with multiple values

Fixed: music library - folder that dropped to grouping tree, adds to the "default" playlist and starts playing automatically

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1663 Beta 4 (16.10.2015)

Plugins: API for plugins has been updated to v4

Fixed: player - the "stop after current" function does not work for internet radio

Fixed: skin engine - window size restores incorrectly in some cases at application startup

Fixed: tag editor - application hangs while saving the changes in some cases

Fixed: tag editor - no icon for "rename file" button

Fixed: music library - report - the "album artist" field is used for the "top albums" section

Fixed: music library - table scrolls to beginning after changing mark in table

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1658 Beta 3 (26.09.2015)

Music library: performance of rating calculation algorithm has been increased by two orders

Fixed: playlist - remove file confirmation dialog appears unfocused if application is inactive (regression)

Fixed: playlist - collapsed group cannot be unselected via keyboard in some cases

Fixed: skin engine - music library - click via right mouse button closes menu and does not open it again

Fixed: music library - selection in the "missplaced files" dialog does not work

Fixed: music library - add already indexed files to DB in some cases

Fixed: plugins - - tracks that contains a "&" symbol cannot be scrobbled (regression)

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1655 Beta 3 (20.09.2015)

Smart-playlists: added an ability to sort files after adding to playlist via user defined template

Tag editor: added an ability to copy / paste album art images to / from the system clipboard

Music library: added an ability to combine an empty levels in grouping tree in the "no grouping" mode

Music library: added an ability to find misplaced files automatically

Music library: added an ability to delete automatically non-existed files from data base

Music library: added an ability to send selected files from grouping tree to selected playlist

General: 3rd party libraries has been updated

General: parser for CUE formats now ignores an empty fields

Playlist: performance of builder for shuffle queue has been increased at 3 times

Skin engine: waveform-navigator - accuracy of analysis has been improved

Fixed: common - tables - no an ability to start selection via mouse by clicking at empty space of control

Fixed: playlist - quick search - no an ability to navigate between items via cursors

Fixed: playlist - an error occurs when clicking at the header of group in some cases

Fixed: playlist - title of confirmation dialog window contains information about the playable file instead of application title

Fixed: playlist - selection of group of files works incorrectly if content has been filtered

Fixed: player - running line does not updated after changing the track mark

Fixed: player - internet-radio - macro selection menu woks incorrectly

Fixed: player - application hangs when trying to play some corrupted WAV-files.

Fixed: player - equalizer - preamp line is not visible

Fixed: skin engine - mini-player window that docked to screen edge does not hide automatically

Fixed: skin engine - no way to restore the AIMP by click via middle mouse button at tray icon

Fixed: skin engine - dock area was not highlighted when dock the child window to top edge of master window

Fixed: skin engine - window was not maximized after double click at the title area, if docked window is placed in this area.

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues has been fixed

Fixed: default skin - waveform is displaying when listening radio station, even if the "show waveform over the seek bar" option is switched off

Fixed: default skin - minor issues were fixed

Fixed: tag editor - an error occurs in some cases when trying to save changes if player is running

Fixed: music library - grouping tree - the "no grouping" mode is case sensitive

Fixed: music library - playback cannot be started via double click at table

Fixed: music library - no information about the virtual files in the "information about file"dialog

Fixed: music library - few button does not have tool tips

Fixed: music library - sorting by the "file size" field works incorrectly

Fixed: music library - total duration of files in table calculates incorrectly

Fixed: plugins - - tracks that contains a "%" symbol cannot be scrobbled

Fixed: plugins - - no information about the user in the "information about file" dialog

AIMP v4.00.1650 Beta 2 (31.08.2015)

Music library: now the data are loaded for visible columns only

General: macro names in menu with macro list are highlighted now via bold font

Skin engine: waveform-navigator - accuracy of analysis has been improved

Skin engine: waveform-navigator - added support of replaygain settings

Skin engine: waveform-navigator - performance of calculation has been improved

Music library: performance of the "search new files" operation has been improved

Fixed: common - an error occurs in some cases when closing the application that could lead to hang of the application

Fixed: common - menu with macro list does not work for formatting line for internet radio capture

Fixed: playlist - tooltip for truncated text of item does not allow to set user rating for track

Fixed: playlist - the "insert after current" command removes tracks from read only playlists

Fixed: playlist - application hangs when trying to set user mark for group of files

Fixed: tag editor - wrong information is displayed in main window for selected track if editor was not load information about it

Fixed: skin - height of caption bar of visualization window is differs from height of caption bar of other secondary windows

Fixed: skin engine - an error occurs when restoring the minimized fixed window

Fixed: skin engine - mini-player appears again after change the skin to another

Fixed: skin engine - scroll bar does not react on click via middle mouse button

Fixed: skin engine - user can resize window via right and middle mouse buttons

Fixed: skin engine - size of main window is changed in some cases after restore the minimized window

Fixed: skin engine - background color of AlbumArt element loads incorrectly for skins from AIMP3

Fixed: music library - wrong order of files when moving them into a playlist via drag-n-drop

Fixed: music library - value of the album artist field does not take into account for grouping

Fixed: music library - hiding a column does not reset the sorting by this column

Fixed: music library - hiding a column does not reset the column filter

Fixed: music library sends to editor non-existent files

Fixed: plugins - - no support for tag fields with multiple values

Fixed: plugins - - duration of track does not sent to server

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1647 Beta 2 (18.08.2015)

Sound engine: support for 352 kHz sampling rate

General: hints are now displayed when changing the slider in the DSP-manager dialog via mouse wheel or keyboard

General: formatting templates - list of available functions moved to sub-menu

Default skin: added an ability to reduce main window width to 450 px

Skin engine: playlist - hint is now appears for truncated items

Skin engine: loading speed has been increased for skins in the ACS4 format

Skin engine: waveform-navigator - wave creation progress is now displayed

Music library: grouping tree preset editor - drag-n-drop support has been added

Music library: grouping tree preset editor - multi-select functionality has been added

Fixed: playlists manager - an error occurs when loading inactive playlist via click by checkbox in the group header

Fixed: playlist manager - an error occurs when trying to import folders as playlist, if one of loaded playlist is folder based smart-playlist

Fixed: player - an error occurs when trying to delete equalizer preset

Fixed: playlist - adding the files - progress of the "find files" operation is not displaying

Fixed: tag editor - ID3v2 - parser does not work correctly with multiple values fields

Fixed: skin engine - an error occurs in some cases during fading finalization in the TabControl element

Fixed: skin engine - an error occurs when loading a skin that uses a blur effect

Fixed: skin engine - hue intensity incorrectly applied to shared textures

Fixed: skin engine - elements draws incorrectly if they placed over the masked BluredGlass element

Fixed: skin engine - behavior of scroll bars in the elements of music library is differs from behavior of scroll bar in playlist

Fixed: skin engine - elements of music library - incremental search does not override the local hotkeys

Fixed: skin engine - waveform-navigator cuts off the wave of playable track in some cases

Fixed: music library - an error occurs if hide all columns

Fixed: music library - grouping by date works incorrectly

Fixed: music library - rescan tags does not work with edited CUE files

Fixed: music library - does not work under windows XP

Fixed: music library - some settings cannot be stored to configuration file

Fixed: music library works with read-only playlists incorrectly

Fixed: music library - no hint for truncated text of currently using grouping tree preset

Fixed: music library - filter editor saves nested levels incorrectly

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v4.00.1645 Beta 1 (08.08.2015)

General: version number of application has been removed from names of binaries

General: macros - one-letter / two-letter names of macros are replaced with friendly names

General: macros - list of macros for playable file has been expanded, following macros has been added: %AlbumGain, %TrackGain and %lyrics

General: macros - list of functions for text manipulation has been expanded

General: the "copy to" / "move to" functionality - ability to save folder structure

UI: new design of application

UI: windows animation no longer inhibits UI

UI: scrollbar thumb jumps to previous position when mouse cursor leaves scrollbar zone

Player: ability to limit number of attempts to reconnect to internet-radio station when connection is lost

Playlist: quick search - algorithm has been changed: the content that isn't satisfying to a search string hides now

Playlist: the "move to..." functionality has been introduced

Playlist: the "find in music library" command has been added

Playlist: smart playlists - ability to build playlist based on data from music library with an ability to filter and group data

Playlist: smart playlists - ability to build playlist based on one or few directories

Playlist: smart playlists - synchronization with pre-image is now works in separate thread

Playlist: playlist files are now imports each into separate tab if the "open files from external applications" option set to "create new playlist".

Playlists manager: ability to view size and duration summaries of selected playlists

Playlists manager: drag-n-drop support for the preview window has been added

Skin engine: potential abilities has been extended

Tags: added support for multiple values for APEv2, ID3v2, vorbis comments and M4A tags formats

Audio converter: support for aften.exe command-line encoder for AC3 format has been added (thanks to Soolo)

Music library: integrated into the main application

Music library: "the" article isn't cut out when adding files in a DB any more

Music library: ability to save user mark to tags of file automatically (optional)

Music library: ability to specify different columns set for table and card views

Music library: ability to adjust height of the alphabetic index control

Music library: ability to set user-defined filter for grouping preset

Music library: ability to drag album by its album art

Music library: ability to scroll song list via mouse wheel without focusing of it

Music library: ability to fast scroll via mouse wheel if ctrl key is pressed

Music library: report generator - support of fields with multiple values has been added

Music library: the "move to..." functionality has been added

Music library: file name column displays a name of file without path now

Music library: alphabetic index is now supported for all fields

Music library: skin support has been added

Music library: the "no grouping" mode - ability to fill song list from current folder only (without sub-folders)

Music library: support of network files has been improved

Plugins: scheduler - sleep timer - ability to fade out volume

Plugins: scheduler - the "OK" button has been added

Plugins: SACD - ISO - now the plugin displays both stereo and 5.1 tracks

AIMP v3.60.1503 (26.09.2015)

Fixed: playlist - delete file confirmation window does not focused if application is not active (regression)

Fixed: plugins - - tracks that contains a "&" symbol cannot be scrobbled (regression)

AIMP v3.60.1502 (20.09.2015)

General: 3rd party libraries has been updated

General: parser for CUE formats now ignores an empty fields

Playlist: performance of builder for shuffle queue has been increased at 3 times

Fixed: playlist - title of remove file confirmation dialog window contains information about the playable file instead of application title

Fixed: playlist name was not changed after save the playlist to external file with different name

Fixed: plugins - few minor issues in API were fixed

Fixed: plugins - - tracks that contains a "%" symbol cannot be scrobbled

Fixed: plugins - - no information about the user in the "information about file" dialog

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v3.60.1500 (31.08.2015)

Fixed: player - duration of WAV files calculates incorrectly in some cases

Fixed: player - AlbumArt loads incorrectly from ID3v2 in some cases

Fixed: playlist - save dialog - settings are not saved within a single working session

Fixed: playlist - the "insert after current" command removes selected track from read only playlists

Fixed: plugins - - information about the duration of playable file does not sent to server

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v3.60.1497 (15.07.2015)

Fixed: index map of icon library loads incorrectly at second time during one work session

Fixed: internet radio - information bars displays every time when player receives metadata from server even if data have not been changed

Fixed: application ignores the custom queue when physically deleting playable file

Fixed: player jumps to next track if an error occurs during opening file operation even if the "automatically jump to next track" option is switched off

Fixed: skin engine - an error occurs when trying to apply skin in handler of skinned button

Fixed: tags - WAV - tags does not loads if section with tags is placed after section with data

Fixed: plugins - SACD - ISO parser does not loads track if there are no meta information about the tracks

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v3.60.1495 (03.06.2015)

Plugins: SACD - multi-threaded decoding is now supported

Plugins: SACD - images in the ISO format are now supported (experimental)

Tag editor: the APEv2 tag is now automatically deleted from MP3 during saving changes

Fixed: sound engine - meta-data parses incorrectly in some cases when playing the internet radio

Fixed: player - bitrate of MP3 files detects incorrectly in some cases

Fixed: player - format of internet radio stream in FLAC format in OGG container displays as OGG vorbis.

Fixed: playlist - an error occurs in some cases that leads to stop redrawing of playlist

Fixed: playlist - non-natural sorting is used when adding folders to playlist

Fixed: playlist - playlist starts playing again after delete last playing track from playlist, even if the "repeat track" option is switched off

Fixed: tag editor - album arts cache is not updated after edit the album art in tag editor

Fixed: tag editor - no an ability to play tracks in TAK / OFR / OFS formats

Fixed: plugins - - information about the scrobbling sends to server twice in some cases, if off-line cache is not empty

Fixed: plugins - update checker - downloading process does not canceled on closing the options dialog

AIMP v3.60.1492 (24.04.2015)

General: the "jump to file" function does not create a new process of windows explorer now (thanks to alex)

Player: playback quality has been improved for tracker music

Plugins: the analog meter visualization is now distribute as separate plugin

Plugins: - scrobbler status is now displayed at notification area icon

Fixed: Audio converter - the "move output to" option - no ability to type the ":" symbol.

Fixed: sound engine - hangs while re-connecting to device

Fixed: common - an edit field cannot be focused by click of right mouse button

Fixed: player - shuffler queue is resets when closing the application

Fixed: player - track can be played twice in some cases if shuffle mode is active.

Fixed: tag editor - an error occurs while reading file in the AIFF format, if file contains padding in the end of file

Fixed: skin engine - issues with windows positioning

Fixed: plugins - few errors in API

Fixed: plugins - - scrobbler progress paints incorrectly

AIMP v3.60.1483 (27.02.2015)

Tag editor: OPUS - replaygain information is now stored into the file header

Tags: OPUS - support for replaygain information that placed in the file header

Fixed: sound engine - meta-data parses incorrectly in some cases when playing the internet radio

Fixed: sound engine - part of previous track can be heard when start file playback from the windows explorer, if player is not running

Fixed: player - OPUS - sample rate and duration calculates incorrectly

Fixed: playlist - the "reload data from pre-image" works incorrectly

Fixed: playlist - playing track was not focused after start up the application

Fixed: playlist - an empty playlist file is moved to the recycle bin after close the application in some cases

Fixed: playlist - an empty track titles are displayed for CUE sheets in the "search new files" dialog

Fixed: playlist - format string - few minor issues

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues were fixed

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v3.60.1479 (06.02.2015)

Playlist: uniform playback of groups in shuffle mode is switched off

Playlist: performance of the quick search has been improved

Plugins: - size of offline cache has been increased to 1000 of tracks

Plugins: - scrobbling occurs at the expiration of 4 minutes, if the specified of percents of track duration is greater than this value

Fixed: sound engine - BASS - unable to play internet-radio under windows 10

Fixed: sound engine - meta-data parses incorrectly in some cases when playing the internet radio

Fixed: sound engine - the application hangs if click pause and quickly close the program

Fixed: playlist - player starts playback of other playlist after closing the playing, even if the "on end of playlist" option is set to the "stand by" value

Fixed: tag editor - the "file location" command works incorrectly with URL

Fixed: tag editor - the "information" tab is missing for the virtual files

Fixed: tag editor - search the album art in google / yandex - query parameters are not escaped

Fixed: skin engine - bugs with positioning of windows after change the screen resolution

Fixed: skin engine - bugs with positioning of windows after restore it from minimized state, if skin has been changed before restore

Fixed: skin engine - click on the album art display opens the miniature copy of image instead of original

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues were fixed

Fixed: plugins - - an error occurs in some cases when trying to love / unlove the track

Fixed: plugins - - album arts search does not work if track does not have information about the album

Fixed: plugins - - album arts that displays in player and in the "information about track" dialog of plugin are different

Fixed: plugins - - scrobbler message was sent before the end of track

Fixed: plugins - simple scheduler - alarm clock cannot play playlists that does not loaded into player

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v3.60.1470 (16.01.2015)

Fixed: common - CUE parser does not understand commands in lower case

Fixed: common - player does not determine audio tracks in the CD-extra disk if playback has been started from autorun menu

Fixed: common - interface hangs at some time when closing the option dialog with active "skins" sheet

Fixed: Audio converter - an error occurs when trying to export to MP3 format with following settings: stereo, VBR.

Fixed: sound engine - playback position calculates incorrectly for set

Fixed: playlist - the "default.aimppl" file is moved to the recycle bin after each close the application, if the "save default playlist" option is switched off

Fixed: tag editor - auto completion does not work for the "genre" field

Fixed: tag editor - ability of removing / applying changes to the selected tag types does not work

Fixed: skin engine - an error in playlist that leads to hide the element

Fixed: skin engine - position of main window is changed when restore it from mini-player if task bar is placed at top edge of screen

Fixed: music library - playback in the audio library does not affects to the playback statistics

Fixed: music library - files cannot be added to the DB via drag-n-drop operation in some cases

Fixed: plugins - - some tracks scrobbles two or more times

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v3.60.1465 (29.12.2014)

Fixed: sound engine - some resampling artifacts can be heard when playing tracker music

Fixed: sound engine - wrong playback position is displaying in skin elements after restart the application if it was paused before restart

Fixed: playlist - order of the groups is inverted after moving it via drag-n-drop if groups are collapsed

Fixed: skin engine - parser fails on some correct expressions

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v3.60.1460 RC 4 (22.12.2014)

Playlists manager: speed of files loading for preview has been increased

Fixed: sound engine - application hangs during cyclic playback of very short files

Fixed: common - an error occurs if try to select items via mouse in an empty table

Fixed: common - an error occurs when closing the application on windows XP

Fixed: plugins - audio library plugin cannot be loaded by player

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v3.60.1457 RC 4 (19.12.2014)

Plugins: BASS_MIDI - added support for sound fonts in SFZ format

Skin engine: mechanism for control the windows position during changing screen resolution has been improved

Fixed: common - an memory leaks occurs when adding tracker music to playlist

Fixed: tag editor parses genre field from M4A incorrectly in some cases

Fixed: playlist - an exception occurs when trying to start playing file from external application in AIMP, if shuffle mode is switched on

Fixed: playlist - tags does not read for files after import external playlist in format that different from AIMPPL

Fixed: plugins - API - the %IN macro does not work

Fixed: plugins - CDDA - the disk name does not updates in drives sub menu

Fixed: plugins - information bar - parameters are not initialized in settings frame if plugin was loaded via plugin manager

Fixed: plugins - information bar - an error occurs after closing the options dialog window, if preview is active

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v3.60.1453 RC 3 (10.12.2014)

Fixed: sound engine - slow buffering for some internet radio stations

Fixed: sound engine - played track is retained in memory after a manual switch to another track

Fixed: album arts - an exception in the cache manager leads to wrong album art is displayed for playable track

Fixed: skin engine - active playlist tab is out of visible area after program startup in some cases

Fixed: skin engine - playlist - text width calculates incorrectly for non-monospaced fonts

Fixed: plugins - CDDA - an error occurs during scan the disk without audio tracks

Fixed: plugins - CDDA - bug in parser for response of CDDB server

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v3.60.1451 RC 2 (02.12.2014)

Sound engine: replaygain's "on-fly" calculation algorithm has been improved

Fixed: common - some command line keys does not work

Fixed: sound engine - jumps to next track before the end in some case

Fixed: sound engine - playback progress calculates incorrectly

Fixed: playlist - the "insert after current" command set selected track into incorrect position, if it placed before the playable

Fixed: tag editor - reads rating from ID3v2 incorrectly in some cases

Fixed: skin engine - the TASEScrollbar element handles mouse wheel incorrectly

Fixed: skin engine - wrong visualization of ability to dock main screen to the edge of screen after closing the playlist window

Fixed: controls - click via RMB at slider does not set focus to it

Fixed: - some service errors was not handled correctly

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v3.60.1447 RC 1 (19.11.2014)

Tag editor: autonumeration - ability to adjust format to XXX or XXX/XXX

Skin engine: memory consumption during skin loading has been reduced

Skin engine: memory consumption for skin has been reduced twice

Fixed: sound engine - stuttering while playing files with bitrates more than 5 mbps

Fixed: sound engine - application hangs in some cases during process of adding or removing USB-sound card

Fixed: player - album arts not loaded in some cases if caching is switched off

Fixed: player - some files in AAC format cannot be played completely

Fixed: playlist - newly created playlist is removed past the recycle bin when closing the tab

Fixed: tag editor - default encoding detects incorrectly when loading CUE from an external file

Fixed: skin engine - an error occurs on program startup under windows XP

Fixed: skin engine - desktop work area was not updated after minimize fixed window

AIMP v3.60.1441 RC 1 (12.11.2014)

Tag editor: ability to transliterate / change case for group of files

Tag editor: main screen UI has been updated

Options dialog: search box for installed skins

Options dialog: sorting a list of menu items immediately after change the language

Fixed: sound engine - ASIO - changing the bit-depth during playback leads to noise

Fixed: sound engine - incorrect channels remapping for mono files

Fixed: sound engine - navigation issues by files which size is more that 4 GBytes

Fixed: common - files that full path equals to 260 symbols cannot be played

Fixed: common - an error occurs when trying to add an empty file to the playlist

Fixed: player - album arts not loaded in some cases

Fixed: player - if track is added in the playback queue twice - both positions will be deleted on start playback

Fixed: player - state of running line hangs if reconnect to internet radio station process has been aborted by user

Fixed: player - information about the previous track is displayed for few seconds in the running line after new file was started

Fixed: player - channels count and bit-depth are incorrectly detected for files in TAK format

Fixed: skin engine - few glitches after minimizing / restoring the windows

Fixed: skin engine - visual data cannot be retrieved in some cases that leads to flickering of visual elements

Fixed: skin engine - playlist does not recalculates after collapsing / expanding all groups

Fixed: controls - multi line editor does not fire the change event

Fixed: controls - few bugs with control redrawing after changing focused state

Fixed: controls - seconds click on the drop down button does not close the dropped down list

Fixed: controls - fading animation does not work with focused elements

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v3.60.1433 Beta 3 (21.10.2014)

Controls: support of navigation via keyboard

General: added a button that display a list of supported macros for the edit field

Player: error dialog will not shown now if the application resumes playback during startup

Playlist: reading speed of files in AIMPPL format has been increased

Skin engine: ability to blur behind is now available for windows 7 only

Skin engine: ability to force switch off blur behind for skin has been removed

Fixed: Audio converter - album arts are not transfered to the target files correctly

Fixed: sound engine - cyclic playback of file that duration is less than 1 second stops after several iterations

Fixed: installer - ability to install the application with empty destination path

Fixed: information about the file - file size is not updated in the running line after save changes

Fixed: plugins manager - the load / unload commands are works incorrectly for multiple selection

Fixed: plugins - several bugs in new API has been fixed

Fixed: player - the "stop playback if current file was deleted" option works incorrectly

Fixed: player - duration of file in the TAK format calculates incorrectly in some cases

Fixed: playlist - name of the radiostation are changed in playlist, if close the application without stop it before closing

Fixed: playlist - several issues with calculation of playback indexes

Fixed: playlist - an rating marks for radiostation are displayed in playlist when trying to reconnect to it

Fixed: tag editor - an error occurs when trying to change size of album art in the BMP format

Fixed: skin engine - values of the MagnetRectOffsets property are ignored when maximizing window than has been minimized via hotkey

Fixed: skin engine - the next / previous visualization buttons does not work after switch off the visualization

Fixed: skin engine - the playlists tabs panel loose active tab from visible area after change the skin

Fixed: skin engine - level channels of the prvVisual provider are swapped

Fixed: skin engine - maximized window always restores on the main screen after minimization

Fixed: skin engine - height of item of bookmarks list in the drop down window differs from menu item height

Minor bugs were fixed

AIMP v3.60.1425 Beta 2 (19.09.2014)

Plugins: - added an ability to change scrobbling threshold

Fixed: sound engine - application UI freezes at 1 second while pausing / stopping the playback

Fixed: sound engine - wrong bitrate is displayed for the playable file

Fixed: sound engine - player hangs in some cases when change the default output device

Fixed: information about the file - tab with additional information about the playable radio station was missed

Fixed: information about the file - file size is not updated after save changes

Fixed: information about the file - a rounding error of milliseconds during format time value by the "mm:ss" template

Fixed: bookmark manager - files adding does not work correctly

Fixed: bookmark manager - path to latest opened folder does not stored

Fixed: playlist - an error occurs if trying to send URL-item to other playlist

Fixed: skin engine - position of the "quick file info" dialog calculates incorrectly if the taskbar is placed on secondary screen

Fixed: skin engine - an error occurs when trying to undock mini-player via mouse

Fixed: skin engine - reduce flickering of album art display during switch the tracks

Fixed: skin engine - the "-" symbol is displayed in the TextDisplay element after seek the playable file to beginning

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues has been fixed

Fixed: - incorrect logic of scrobbler with the AlbumArtist tag field

Fixed: - value of the "album" field is ignored when fetching the album art for the playable track

Fixed: - plugin stops playback because of crash if playable file is virtual

Fixed: - albums does not scrobbled

Fixed: few bugs with localization of some elements

Minor bugs were fixed

AIMP v3.60.1421 Beta 1 (29.08.2014)

Templates: macros for date modified / time modified of file were added

Tag editor: ability to display information about the bit depth for some formats

Album arts: search and loading algorithm has been improved

replaygain calculator: performance has been increased at 60 %

Fixed: sound engine - does not react on changing of default output device if the WASAPI interface is used for output

Fixed: skin engine - incorrect evaluation at some expressions

Fixed: player - an error occurs when trying to open files from external sources

Fixed: player - sometimes the "audio device settings" button disappears after clicking on it

Fixed: player - an extended information about the error during connection to internet radio station does not displayed in the error box

Fixed: player does not catch the CUE files from .iso.wv images

Fixed: player does not catch CUE file that contains the "file" word in the comment section

Fixed: player - the "add to the playback queue" command was missed from context menu of windows explorer

Fixed: player - reselection of visualization does not activate it

Fixed: playlist - the "rescan tags" function was not take changes from CUE files into account

Fixed: playlist - content of playlist file loads incorrectly

Fixed: Audio converter - WMA encoder was missed

Fixed: controls - the typed value is not checked for validity

Fixed: controls - moving mouse cursor to the disabled menu item or separator in parent level does not hide child sub menu

Fixed: album arts - an error message occurs during album art loading from sub folder

Fixed: album arts - the black square is displayed instead of album art in JPG format in some cases

Fixed: album arts - no way to open album arts catalogs for virtual files

Fixed: tag editor - the "lyrics" tab was missed

Fixed: plugin does not scrobble albums

Fixed: - an error occurs in the plugin after remove access for application in profile at the web site.

Fixed: plugin stops playback because of crash

Fixed: plugins - SACD - an error occurs during loading files in the DSF format

Fixed: few bugs with localization of some elements

Fixed: minor bugs and defects

AIMP v3.60.1416 Beta 1 (08.08.2014)

General: new API for plugins

General: DEP and ASLR support has been added

General: the "modules" folder has been removed, the following folders has been introduced instead: .\system, .\system\data, .\system\encoders

DSP-manager: normalization settings has been extended

DSP-manager: normalization settings has been moved to separate tab

DSP-manager: replaygain - added an ability to set default value for normalization

DSP-manager: replaygain - added an ability to set preamp value for normalization factor

Integration to OS: the "add to queue" command has been added to the context menu of windows explorer

Mini-player: ability to adjust volume via mouse wheel without set focus into the mini-player

Album arts: ability to download album art from internet automatically (plugin for service is used to do it for now)

Album arts: ability to define album art for internet radio stations

Album arts: ability to customize search options

Playlist: the "adding files" process is now working in separate thread

Playlist: shuffle mode - all indexes are now stored in the playlist file

Playlist: shuffle algorithm has been improved - uniform playback of files from different groups, avoiding sequential playback of two consecutive files

Playlist: the number of file access has been reduced during loading a playlist / add files process

Audio converter: the "jump to target folder" button has been added

Tag editor: ability to switch off grouping in the file list

Tag editor: added an ability to drop files / images from internet browsers / URLs to the album art display

Tag editor: AIFF file format support

Plugins: common - added an ability to filter plugins by status

Plugins: common - all plug-ins are now stored in a subfolders

Plugins: common - support of input plugins from winamp has been removed because this type of plugins does not support multi threading

Plugins: visualizations - limit on the screen resolution has been removed for new type plugins

Plugins: information bar - the "show always" option has been added

Plugins: information bar - added an ability to select target screen

Plugins: - plugin now works with service directly - you no longer required installed client

Plugins: - added an ability to love / unlove tracks

Plugins: - added an ability to send the AlbumArtist field value instead of the artist (optional)

Plugins: - ability to show window with information about playable file

Plugins: - offline cache for100 records has been added

Plugins: SACD - plugin for an ability to decode hi-res audio in the DSDIFF / DSF formats

Fixed: common - an null size window with application icon is displaying at center of the screen when move mouse at the aero peek preview of application

Fixed: common - issues with position of taskbar button at windows 8 with multi-screen configuration

AIMP v3.55.1355 (14.07.2014)

Music library: the "add to AIMP's playlist" menu item has been added to the context menu for grouping tree

Fixed: common - tray icon flashes during program startup

Fixed: common - application hangs in some cases when trying to add corrupted files in OGG format

Fixed: common - files from the windows explorer were not added to the list at start of application

Fixed: sound engine incorrectly identifies a list of supported formats for some device types

Fixed: playlists manager - ability to set unsupported file as pre-image via drag-n-drop operation

Fixed: playlist - item with URL cannot be sent into other playlist via context menu

Fixed: skin engine - skin settings are resets after restart the application

Fixed: skin engine - new name of playlist is not updated in the PlaylistBox skin element

Fixed: skin engine - an error occurs in some cases when trying to undock the mini player from screen edge via drag-n-drop

AIMP v3.55.1350 (16.06.2014)

Sound engine: options dialog - list of supported formats is populated now on demand, not at options dialog initialization

Sound engine: radio capture - maximum delay before start record new track has been increased to 30 seconds.

Sound engine: radio capture - CUE sheet is now stored on the hard drive after each track

Sound engine: compatibility with remote desktop assistant has been improved (for WASAPI interface)

Playlist: an empty playlists with non-empty preimage setting will not be deleted now on closing the application

Playlist: advanced search is now show last search query

Tag editor: support for non-english URLs - the URL will be automatically converted to punycode and vice versa.

Fixed: common - tray icon flashes during program startup

Fixed: common - player is minimized to tray instead of taskbar in some cases

Fixed: sound engine - output settings are resets at some devices when opening the options dialog

Fixed: playlist - the remove file confirmation dialog does not restore focus after closing

Fixed: tag editor - album art from ID3v2.4 tag cannot be read in some cases

Fixed: tag editor - file in FLAC format cannot be read by player, if embedded CUE has been remove via AIMP tag editor

Fixed: plugins - the information line flashes on display, if it has been hidden by mouse before that

Fixed: minor issues

AIMP v3.55.1345 (26.03.2014)

Equalizer presets dialog: alphabetical sorting of presets is default now

Equalizer presets dialog: incremental search has been added

Player: compatibility with the service has been improved

Skin engine: added an ability to resize animator control

Fixed: sound engine - ASIO - few bugs with playback resuming on some devices

Fixed: sound engine - the program sometimes hangs during playback

Fixed: sound engine - scratches can be heard on some tracks if the normalization by amplitude effect is active

Fixed: sound effects - mixing options apply incorrectly

Fixed: plugins - alarm clock - another playlist starts playing, if selected playlist has been never activated after restart of the program

Fixed: player - the QFI window doesn't appear at the first time in some cases

Fixed: player - default folder for internet radio capture is stored to configuration file

Fixed: playlist - focus and playback cursor are reseted after synchronization with the preimage.

Fixed: skin engine - the value of the PeakSegmentation property isn't taken into account

Fixed: skin engine - behavior of child window is broken after closing the window via alt+f4

Fixed: skin engine - bugs with initialization of default values for controls on program startup

AIMP v3.55.1338 (31.01.2014)

DSP-manager: added an ability to switch on/off all cross mixing settings quickly

Player: the "insert after current" command in addition to current behavior, now puts track to the beginning of playback queue

Fixed: the "send to" - selected template is ignored, if file doesn't have tags

Fixed: plugins - CDDA - cache is not updated in some cases

Fixed: plugins - CDDA - information about the track has incorrect encoding, if information has been received from the CDDB

Fixed: player - the remove file confirmation dialog doesn't return focus to the previous window after closing

Fixed: skin engine - value of the SizeMaximal property isn't taken into account for client-aligned containers

Fixed: tag editor - ID3v2 - last value is taken into account for the "comment", "genre", "link" fields instead of first, as for the other fields

Fixed: tag editor - the autotag functions is not work correctly

Fixed: music library - the application hangs when trying to move file via drag-n-drop, if target folder already contain file with same name

Few minor bugs were fixed

AIMP v3.55.1332 (21.12.2013)

Fixed: playlist - no an ability to drop files to the end of playlist in some cases

Fixed: tag editor - lyrics field value has been cut by first line

AIMP v3.55.1331 (20.12.2013)

Sound engine: WASAPI exclusive - added support for the push and the event output modes

DSP-manager: volume normalization - scale factor is now displayed in the "% dB / % x" format

Tag editor: string parsing in the AutoTag based on the file name is now going from end

Fixed: Audio converter - an error occurs when trying to encode file to the OGG format with quality low than 4

Fixed: bookmarks manager - cursor position in the table resets to zero after removing the record

Fixed: playlist - when closing the playlist tab, playlist file deleted bypassing the recycle bin

Fixed: skin engine - initial size of container calculates incorrectly in some layouts

Fixed: skin engine - the hit-test calculates incorrectly in some cases

Fixed few minor bugs

AIMP v3.55.1324 (15.11.2013)

Sound engine: the normalization function has been returned, the algorithm has been improved

Fixed: sound engine - application hangs when changing playback position via mouse wheel

Fixed: sound engine - player jumps over track in some cases when set is playing

Fixed: common - windows position are shifted at taskbar height after restart if taskbar is placed at top edge of screen

Fixed: advanced search - click via middle mouse button does't select row in the table

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v3.55.1320 (04.11.2013)

Bookmarks manager: added an ability to sort items via click on table column

Fixed: replace confirmation dialog - the "replace all" and the "skip all" buttons doesn't work

Fixed: sound engine - stuttering occurs on start of playback in some cases

Fixed: sound engine - the application hangs during playback of file with duration less than 1 seconds if the "repeat track" mode is active

Fixed: sound engine - player doesn't play last 20-30 msec of track

Fixed: player - file in the CUE format loads incorrectly in some cases

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v3.55.1312 RC 2 (15.10.2013)

Sound engine: activating / deactivating effects are now processed more smoothly

Advanced search: the "file location" menu item has been added

Advanced search: added an ability to add files to the queue via middle mouse button click

Fixed: player - program UI sometimes hangs when playing tracks

Fixed: player - manual track switching processed with small delay

Fixed: playlists - few extra drop target slots are exists when moving files in the playlist via mouse

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues has been fixed

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v3.55.1307 RC (07.10.2013)

Sound engine: cache system has been improved - read latency has been reduced

Jump to time: added an ability to split minutes and seconds by space symbol

Manual: added search ability

Tags: replaygain are now supported for MusePack v8 format

Fixed: sound engine - an error occurs when switching between tracks in some cases

Fixed: sound engine - information about bitrate in the metadata section are ignored

Fixed: sound engine - the mixing effect cuts end of track, if effect time is less than a second

Fixed: player - local hot keys doesn't work if full screen visualization mode is active

Fixed: player - crashes on terminating if one of the DSP-plugin is active

Fixed: player - no an ability to set multimedia keys as local hot keys

Fixed: player - the content of CUE sheet is loaded incorrectly, if load it as a playlist

Fixed: playlist - mouse wheel settings are ignored

Fixed: playlist - zoom level not saved on restart

Fixed: playlists - few extra drop target slots are exists when moving files in the playlist via mouse

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues has been fixed

Fixed: managing playlists - selection has been restored incorrectly after playlist deletion

AIMP v3.55.1298 Beta (12.09.2013)

General: added an ability to move links via drag-n-drop from internet browser to playlist or "add link" dialog

Bookmarks: added an ability to add playlists to the bookmarks

Bookmarks: "bookmarks manager" dialogue - quick search has been added

Bookmarks: "bookmarks manager" dialogue - usability has been improved

Sound engine: anticlipping

Sound engine: added an ability to customize resampling speed/quality

Sound engine: added an ability to use dithering when decreasing bit depth

Sound engine: the SoXR library is now used for resampling

Sound engine: performance has been increased

Plugins: the "internet radiostation catalog" plugin has been removed, you can access to catalogs via internet browser

Player: fading and cross mixing settings has been moved to DSP manager dialogue

Player: cross mixing setting has been expanded

Fixed: sound engine - program crashes during cache buffer initialization process if system cannot allocate requested memory size

Fixed: player - window position is restored incorrectly if it was attached to the screen edge via drag-n-drop

Fixed: player - data from ID3v2 has been replaced with data from ID3v1 in some cases, even if encoding is different

Fixed: player - crashes on attempt to activate DSP-plugin

Fixed: player - the custom information about the radio station is lost when playback is starting

Fixed: tags - MP4 - no information about bitrate is displayed for certain files

Fixed: tag editor - file cannot be removed physically if it played in mini-player of the tag editor

AIMP v3.51.1288 (07.08.2013)

Sound engine: TAK decoder has been updated

Sound engine: cache system has been improved - CPU usage has been reduced

Playlist: auto name algorithm has been improved

Tag editor: the progress of current operation is now displaying on the taskbar button

Skin engine: the sizes of windows now automatically adjusted after screen resolution changing

Fixed: Audio converter - bugs with parameters selection in the "OGG vorbis encoder settings" dialogue

Fixed: Audio converter - bugs with parameters selection in the "WMA encoder settings" dialogue

Fixed: browse folder dialogue - the ctrl + up / ctrl + down hot keys does not work

Fixed: file save dialogue - no overwrite confirmation in some cases

Fixed: sound engine - tracks with long names cannot be played in some cases

Fixed: sound engine - program crashes during radio capture process, if playable track has incorrect symbols in one of its tag fields

Fixed: sound engine - no an ability to pause file playback, if it located on remote server

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: common - the ctrl + page up / ctrl + page down hot keys does not work in secondary windows if its has been used as local hot keys in the player.

Fixed: common - bugs in some localizations

Fixed: common - format line parser does not process "\," set of symbols correctly

Fixed: playlists - the "save playlist 'default'" option is ignores when closing playlist tab

Fixed: playlists - playlists manager deletes playlists pass the recycle bin

Fixed: playlists - deletion of the collapsed group expand group which placed below

Fixed: tag editor - the M4A tag missing in the tags list for group removing / applying tag fields values

Fixed: tag editor does not recognize files which located in the windows libraries

Fixed: tag editor - incorrect files order in the "analysis result" dialogue

Fixed: pandemic AIO skin - no ability to drag player window by its caption

Fixed: skin engine - ability to resize window is blocked after change skin to another without maximization support if window is maximized

Fixed: skin engine - converter ignores special settings for all-in-one skins

Fixed: music library displays wrong data in the report

Fixed: music library does not take initial rating of file into account when adding file to database

AIMP v3.50.1277 (19.06.2013)

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: common - player can't be associated with file types in some cases

Fixed: common - some bugs in localizations

Fixed: common - the "all words with capital letter" function change the capitalization of whole word to uppercase in some cases

Fixed: playlist - player add files to playlist too long

Fixed: tag editor - autofilling tags functionality does not work

AIMP v3.50.1270 RC 2 (04.06.2013)

Player: hot key for "switch on/off equalizer" command

Player: position of the "advanced search" window now stored to config

Player: new mechanism of file association - now we use solution recommended by microsoft

Music library: new algorithm of rating calculation - rating is now depends from time

Fixed: sound engine - noise can be heard when playing file with high sampling rate

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: player - bookmarks cannot be saved in some cases

Fixed: player - queue manager does not save file order after closing the player

Fixed: player - the "suspend global hot keys" option does not work

Fixed: tag editor - genre from list of predefined genres does not save correctly to M4A format

Fixed: skin engine - an error occurs in some cases when trying to load skin that contains embedded fonts

Fixed: skin engine - there is no check for corruption of skin package

Fixed: skin engine - position of equivalent containers with limited sizes calculates incorrectly

Fixed: skin engine - value of the ClipChildren property is ignores when calculating HitTest

Fixed: music library - focused file disappears from visible area after sorting

AIMP v3.50.1259 RC 1 (08.05.2013)

General: the cover art search now processes the "cover" and "scan" subfolders

General: application loading speed has been increased

Fixed: QFI - click on cover art display opens temporary copy of image instead of original

Fixed: Audio converter does not write information about replaygain for album to CUE-sheet

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: common - player ignores "SONGWRITER" field in CUE-sheet

Fixed: tag editor - the "skip this file" option doesn't work in the "rename" dialog

Fixed: skin engine - position of pinned window calculates incorrectly, if master window is docked to main window

Fixed: skin engine - position of equivalent containers calculates incorrectly in some cases

Fixed: skin engine - bugs in time formatting function

Fixed: skin engine - elements placed on hidden container still visible in some cases

AIMP v3.50.1253 Beta 4 (19.04.2013)

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: player - hotkey settings are not saved in some cases

Fixed: player - bugs with reading command line switches

Fixed: playlist - no an ability to move selected group inside another even if "merge with similar categories" option is switched off

Fixed: playlist - an error occurs when trying to execute "search new files" dialog

Fixed: skin engine - mouse cursor is not recalculated correctly in some cases

Fixed: skin engine - minor issues with providers

AIMP v3.50.1247 Beta 3 (10.04.2013)

General: added support for panning gesture for listbox like controls

Fixed: installer launches the application as administrator

Fixed: internet radio browser - an error occurs when closing the window during download operation

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: scheduler - bugs with applying playlist as alarm clock melody

Fixed: player cannot play tracker music correctly in some cases - only samples are played

Fixed: player - an error occurs when trying to move file from bookmarks popup window to external application via drag-n-drop

Fixed: player - an error occurs when trying to start audio CD playback from autorun menu

Fixed: player - hot keys list doesn't repaint correctly after removing the hot key via keyboard

Fixed: playlist - filename of tracklist cuts off in some cases

Fixed: playlist - the list doesn't scroll to searching item via quick search if it placed in collapsed group

Fixed: skin engine - containers visibility doesn't save to configuration file

Fixed: skin engine - an error occurs when trying to undock tray-control from the screen edge

Fixed: music library - data cache doesn't refresh after removing operation

Fixed: music library - an error occurs when trying to remove playable file

AIMP v3.50.1237 Beta 2 (08.03.2013)

Fixed: tag editor save incorrect information about the size of ID3v2 tag

AIMP v3.50.1236 Beta 2 (07.03.2013)

Audio converter: tags are now stored to WMA and WavPack formats via AIMP tags engine

Audio converter: only common information about the tracks is now stored to the file tags during "all-to-one file" encoding mode

Player: playlists reading speed has been increased by 25%

Player: response time of the window in "desktop toolbar" mode during adding files via drag-n-drop operation has been decreased

Skin engine: rendering speed has been increased due caching of the background elements

Skin engine: compatibility with old skins has been improved

Fixed: installer - update mode doesn't work

Fixed: installer doesn't create shortcuts under windows 8

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: simple scheduler - the state of "shutdown the computer" option isn't stored

Fixed: player - few folders without spaces in the names cannot be added to the player via command line

Fixed: player - the plug-ins table jumps to beginning after any plug-in is unloaded

Fixed: the tag editor stores two copies of cover art to the file in FLAC format

Fixed: skin engine - information in QFI isn't refreshed in some cases

Fixed: skin engine - maximized window reduces its size after AIMP restart

Fixed: playlists managing - preview for few selected playlists doesn't work correctly

Fixed: music library - all tracks from set are added to the Audio converter regardless of which of them were selected

AIMP v3.50.1224 Beta 1 (31.01.2013)

CoverArt downloader: click on image now opens it in external application

CoverArt downloader: caching of downloaded files for current work session

Audio converter: hotkey for start conversion process has been added

Audio converter: OPUS encoder has been added

Audio converter: added an ability to save path structure during conversion process

Sound engine: added support for i32v24 sample format

Sound engine: now player has separate settings for crossfading in manual and automatic switching modes

Sound engine: equalizer has been improved - now all frequencies are processed between sliders

General: settings in options dialog has been regrouped

General: player no longer supports configuration files from AIMP2

General: added support of long pathname (more than 260 characters), only for windows vista and newer

General: added an ability to split files by chapters (OGG, OPS, M4A and M4B are supported)

General: performance has been increased

Scheduler: alarm clock - added an ability to execute action after pre-set time period

Scheduler: alarm clock - added an ability to set playlist as alarm clock ringtone

Player: equalizer settings has been added to the DSP manager dialog

Player: playlist tab hint now contains information about playlist content

Player: hotkey for the "reload data from pre-image" command has been added

Player: hotkeys for executing the "bookmarks manager" and "equalizer" dialogs has been added

Player: hotkeys for set mark to playable / selected files has been added

Player: the queue of shuffle playback is now stored on the application closing

Player: added drag-n-drop support for the bookmarks manager

Player: now files merge into one queue, when send it to a removable device

Player: confirmation for the remove equalizer preset operation has been added

Player: managing playlists - added an ability to browse content of closed playlist (with search ability)

Tag editor: added an ability to resize window of "presets editor" dialog

Tag editor: the "file size" column has been added

Tag editor: rename files - added an ability to replace / remove selected characters

Tag editor: rename files - bilateral transliteration has been added (russian - english)

Tag editor: rename files - new design

Tag editor: added support of "BPM", "disc count" and "publisher" tag fields

Tag editor: added support of OPUS format tags

Tag editor: added an ability to calculate BPM (powered by SoundTouch library)

Skin engine: ability to switch off spectrum animation for playable track

Skin engine: ability to dock window to the top and bottom screen edges

Skin engine: potential abilities has been extended

Music library: added an ability to switch off automatic jump to next track during playback

Music library: added an ability to display rating instead of mark, if mark is not set

Music library: added an ability to send files to playlist

Music library: added an ability to add files to data base via drag-n-drop

Music library: added special context menu for cells of the "labels" column

Music library: hotkeys for playback control has been added

Music library: the "BPM", "composer", "publisher" and "file format" columns has been added

Music library: new design of the "labels manager" dialog

Music library: mark reading speed has been increased by 10 times

Custom controls: context menu - added an ability to scroll items via mouse wheel

Custom controls: context menu - auto scrolling to selected item on menu popup

Custom controls: now you can switch between tabs via ctrl+tab and ctrl+shift+tab / ctrl+PageUp and ctrl+PageDown shortcuts

Custom controls: ListView and TreeView - per-pixel scrolling has been added

Custom controls: scrollbar - added an ability to jump to position under mouse cursor via mouse click with pressed shift key

AIMP v3.20.1165 (21.12.2012)

Player: CUE sheets catching algorithm has been improved for audio files with double extensions

Tag editor: cover art now stored to special section in FLAC format

Fixed: Audio converter - error occurs when trying to remove virtual track from disk

Fixed: Audio converter - sample format saves incorrectly for command line encoders

Fixed: the content of playlist stops drawing in some cases

Fixed: radio capture - unable to choose command line encoder for capture

Fixed: player doesn't detect CD-drive at "a" letter

Fixed: player doesn't play sound, if initialization of DSP-plugin failed

Fixed: the "ctrl+del" hot key is intercepted by playlist from secondary text input elements

AIMP v3.20.1163 (28.11.2012)

Audio converter: track number column has been added

Audio converter: %IN macro is now supported

Tag editor: M4A tag column has been added

Music library: added an ability to edit tags of playable file

Fixed: quick tag editor - extended information about radio station does not display, if editor has been called from "quick file info" dialog

Fixed: quick tag editor - cover art from folder does not display for virtual files

Fixed: the error dialog cannot be closed via ESC key

Fixed: radio capture - doesn't transfer tags to the file when capturing stream in AAC format without transcoding

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: equalizer presets created incorrectly during install on windows with non-russian locale

Fixed: skin engine - delayed update of visualization elements

Fixed: skin engine - fully transparent elements in old skins paints incorrectly

AIMP v3.20.1155 (16.11.2012)

Playlist: quick search can be finished now by pressing ESC key

Fixed: browse folder dialog - selected folder adding to the playlist independent from checkmark state

Fixed: sound engine doesn't detects supported formats of audio device correctly

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: known memory leaks

Fixed: tag editor - track number does not save to playing file

Fixed: tag editor - lyrics does not "break" by lines for M4A format

Fixed: music library hangs in some cases when "add files" or "rescan tags" operation is active

Fixed: music library - alphabetic index has inverted scrolling by mouse wheel

AIMP v3.20.1148 RC 1 (19.10.2012)

Browse folder dialog: added ability to set path manually

Fixed: playlists tabs aren't repainted after scrolling, if scroll animation is disabled

Fixed: incorrect font rendering in information line under windows 8

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: some elements of playlist does not support skin color scheme

Fixed: rounding errors while calculating duration of the track from CUE

Fixed: player cannot open CUE files, which contains "" symbols

Fixed: crash when capturing internet-radio

AIMP v3.20.1139 Beta 2 (28.09.2012)

General: the list of encodings for translating non-unicode text to UTF16 format has been supplemented

Playlist: the "%!" macro has been added for an ability to implement custom sorting in reverse order

Sound engine: support of meta data of internet radio stations in ASF format has been improved

Skin engine: rendering speed has been increased

Fixed: Audio converter - few minor issues in "all files to one (+ CUE)" encoding mode

Fixed: Audio converter doesn't transfer tags when encoding to MusePack format

Fixed: sound engine doesn't detects supported formats of audio device correctly

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: color scheme settings does not applied to the tray icon and context menu glyphs

Fixed: player doesn't restore playback queue after restarting

Fixed: player can't open sub-tracks with relative filename from CUE sheet

AIMP v3.20.1125 Beta 1 (02.09.2012)

Audio converter: added an ability to shut down the computer after conversion operation

Audio converter: added an ability to use console encoders

Audio converter: added an ability to change format of input audio stream

Audio converter: the "encode all to one file" mode has been added (with / without CUE logging)

Audio converter: tags in the ID3v1 now are saved to the file when encoding to MP3 format

Audio converter: added an ability to encode files to MusePack format

Sound engine: the algorithm of input file caching has been improved - now engine access to the disk less frequently

Sound engine: added WASAPI exclusive supports

Sound engine: the maximal size of cache for input file has been increased to 250 MB

General: hint for the "part repeat a-b" button now contains information about bounds of repeating part

General: added an ability to view embedded cover art in original resolution

General: equalizer presets are now stored to the separate file on disk

Plugins: decoder for OPUS format has been added

Plugins: ogg vorbis encoder has been updated to v1.3.3

Scheduler: added an ability to wake up the computer

Scheduler: added an ability to switch the computer to sleep mode

Scheduler: added an ability to suspend playback and / or close the player before computer shutdown

Scheduler: the alert will be shown now before computer shutdown

Tag editor: added an ability to choose tag format for which the changes will be saved

Tag editor: added an ability to edit tags in M4A format

Music library: incremental search has been added to the dropdown list of the filter of table column

Music library: added an ability to flush search query easier

AIMP v3.10.1074 (24.08.2012)

Fixed: the Audio converter removes dots from file name

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: the autoname for playlist calculates incorrectly, if name of the folder contains dot symbol

AIMP v3.10.1072 (07.08.2012)

Sound engine: the algorithm of advanced channels processing has been improved

Plugins: compatibility with client v2 has been improved

Plugins: rendering speed of visualizations has been increased

Skin engine: compatibility with AIMP2 skins has been improved

Fixed: %IN macro is expanded incorrectly when sending files from playlist to external directory

Fixed: the Audio converter raises an exception, if "move output to..." options is active and target path is empty

Fixed: the Audio converter ignores command line switches

Fixed: the Audio converter increases tempo of composition twice when encoding to MP3 mono format

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: incremental search does not work in the tag editor's genre selector menu

Fixed: player resumes playback on startup incorrectly, if previously playing file has been removed from the playlist

Fixed: player resumes playback queue incorrectly, if two or more playlists has same name

Fixed: the music library does not suggest to create a new group in some cases when navigating by fields values

Fixed: player used to jump over one track after deleting file from the playlist in some cases

AIMP v3.10.1065 (04.07.2012)

Fixed: incremental search does not work in the bookmarks popup window

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: incompatibility with synaptics TouchPad

Fixed: the exception "cannot open the file" occurs on multithreading encoding from a file in the WavPack format (+ CUE)

Fixed: file is moved from the source folder to another one instead of copied when dragging the file from the playlist

Fixed: AIMP rewrites information about the integration to windows registry on applying settings

Fixed: player used to jump over one track after deleting file from the playlist

Fixed: memory leak occurs when working with the MP3 encoder

Fixed: music library ignores the number of playbacks for each file when it generates report about the favourite audio files

AIMP v3.10.1061 (29.06.2012)

Audio converter: displaying the progress of conversion operation in window caption has been added

Player: the following equalizer presets has been added: headphones / reggae / ska / techno

Fixed: Audio converter incorrectly calculates target sample rate in some cases

Fixed: playback cursor does not resets after playlist clearing

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: bugs with displaying the equalizer window when using old skin

Fixed: track removes from playing queue twice at the start of playback

AIMP v3.10.1051 RC 2 (01.06.2012)

Bookmarks: ability to sort items in bookmarks manager

Plugins: support of the input plugins from winamp has been improved

Skin engine: text rendering speed is increased twice

Fixed: skip mode does not work in the "send to" dialog

Fixed: the cover arts is read incorrectly from ID3v2.4 in some cases

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: player cuts the value of a track number field, if it is greater than 255

Fixed: skin engine - wrong scrolling step at the ScrollBar element with non-resizeable thumb

Fixed: skin engine - controls does not receive focus in some cases

AIMP v3.10.1045 RC 1 (21.05.2012)

Tags: size of padding between tag and audio data is now limited to 100 KBytes

Tags: the algorithm of calculating duration of audio files in MP3 VBR format has been improved

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: incorrect text is displayed for the error, which occurs while output device is initializing

Fixed: the equalizer window does not take animation settings into account in some cases

Fixed: bugs with behaviour and displaying of old skins

Fixed: player doesn't read audio tag correctly if it size is more than 1 MByte

Fixed: playlist hangs on attempt to delete file from the disk in some cases

Fixed: small scratches can be heard while playing track with sample rate greater than sample rate of output device

Fixed: the "disable transparency if window is mouse focused" function does not work correctly in some cases

AIMP v3.10.1040 Beta 3 (08.05.2012)

Decoders: the BASS has been updated to v2.4.9

Sound engine: performance has been increased

Audio converter: the encoders has been moved from "AIMP3\plugins" to "AIMP3\modules" folder

Audio converter: the blade-interface of the lame_enc.dll library now supports

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: size of the window does not save, if it in the "desktop tool bar" mode

Fixed: the "select language" dialog - drop-down list is displayed behind the window

Fixed: bugs with displaying of old skins

Fixed: the playlist does not accept files from another application via drag-n-drop

Fixed: the tag editor does not save cover art to the file, if file does not contain tags before operation

Fixed: a memory leaks in the music library

AIMP v3.10.1034 Beta 2 (27.04.2012)

Music library: added an ability to quickly navigate through field value with ALT key pressed

Sound engine: algorithm of the resampler has been improved

General: design of hint for editing template has been changed

Playlist: usability of multiple files selection using mouse has been improved

Music library: speed of adding files into the database has been increased

Fixed: playback of selected track cannot be started from QuickSearch field via enter key

Fixed: internet radio capture does not work

Fixed: macros cannot be expanded in some cases

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: localization does not apply at the first start of the program

Fixed: player incorrectly calculates duration for some files in WavPack format

Fixed: option "add pause between track" does not work correctly

Fixed: exception is raised when trying to change color scheme for the skin

Fixed: bugs with displaying of old skins

Fixed: player hangs after clicking on the "start playback" button if the playlist doesn't have tracks which are switched on

Fixed: the CPU becomes overloaded during the playing silence if the equalizer is switched on

Fixed: focus leaves from playlist after deleting last file from the playlist

AIMP v3.10.1027 Beta 1 (16.04.2012)

Audio converter: added an ability to encode files using few threads

Audio converter: new design

Audio converter: added an ability to encode files to APE, FLAC, OGG, WAV, WV, WMA and MP3 formats (lame encoder should be installed)

Audio converter: the "Audio converter" utility is distributed with the player again

General: added an ability to set template for running line for internet radio playback

General: design of error dialog has been updated

General: design of default skin has been updated

General: option "fade in volume at the beginning of track" has been moved to the quick options menu

General: skins are now stored in the profile folder of the program

Plugins: update checker - added an ability to download and install an update in semiautomatically mode

Playlist: "mark" menu item has been added to the context menu of playlist

Playlist: playlists manager dialog has been added

Playlist: added an ability to load few playlists to separate tabs via drag-n-drop

Playlist: added an ability of semiautomatic synchronization of the playlist with the specified folder or playlist

Playlist: added an ability to work with groups via keyboard

Playlist: all playlists are stored now in profile folder of the program

Playlist: playlists are not deleted now from the disk when you close playlist tab (optional)

Skin engine: potential abilities has been extended

Music library: ability to choose default player - AIMP or build-in player of music library

Music library: ability of access to the catalog of internet radio stations has been removed

Music library: ability of access to the content of flash-drives from music library has been removed

Music library: the storage of playlists has been moved to the playlists manager of the player

AIMP v3.00.985 (06.04.2012)

Fixed: DropWheel window is painted incorrectly in AIMP2 skins

Fixed: incorrect information about file format is displayed in quick tag editor in some cases

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: incorrect information about bitrate and duration is displayed for some files in OGG format

Fixed: incorrect information about bitrate is displayed for some radio stations

Fixed: file mark does not display in playlist when AIMP2 skin is used

Fixed: player starts playback of switched off tracks when jumping to another playlist via hot keys

Fixed: player isn't able to use WASAPI for outputting on windows 8

Fixed: player does not play short files completely

Fixed: some problems with TrayControl behavior

Fixed: windows explorer does not display data from tags of file in WMA lossless format after they've been edited by AIMP

Fixed: small scratches can be heard on jumping from one track to another when equalizer is switched on

Fixed: files are added in backward order when they are adding via "find new files" dialog

AIMP v3.00.981 (16.02.2012)

Playlist: algorithm of CUE sheets catching for the audio files has been improved - support of files with double extensions has been added

Fixed: buffer for DMO effects is not cleared after playback stopping

Fixed: data from CUE sheets aren't caught up for files in .DTS

Fixed: "default" button in DSP manager resets all of its settings to their default values only on the second pressing

Fixed: autoname for equalizer preset generates incorrectly for the virtual files

Fixed: information about the duration of the files is read incorrectly from the playlist in PLS format

Fixed: number of the track in the playback queue cuts off in playlist in some cases

Fixed: folder and files aren't sorted by thier names on adding them from windows explorer

Fixed: plugins - lastfm client helper crashes on attempt to show plugin settings, if lastfm client doesn't installed

Fixed: plugins - online radio browser: error occurres on attempt to switch to "IceCast" tab, if one of the record doesn't contain information about the bitrate

Fixed: plugins - some visualizations from AIMP2 don't work on AIMP3

Fixed: plugins - list loses focus after changing state of plugin

Fixed: player doesn't allow to add files in AIFF format to playlist

Fixed: small scratches can be heard on quiet tracks when equalizer is switched on

Fixed: applications hangs on attempt to play file without audio data, but with tags

AIMP v3.00.976 (30.12.2011)

Player: radio station name is now set automatically on starting playback, if it has not been set before by the user

Tag editor: track number is no longer stored in the ID3v1, if it value more than 255

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: plugins - plugin doesn't start scrobbling sometimes

Fixed: player - "a-b repeat" function drops playback position to beginning in some cases

Fixed: player - part of the next track sounds in the end of current track, if "shuffle" mode is active

Fixed: tag editor - buttons in footer panel doesn't display, if height of the screen less than 600 pixels

Fixed: tag editor - the table doesn't update after using tag autofill function

AIMP v3.00.970 RC 3 (23.12.2011)

General: added ability to install skin from skin chooser dialog

General: support of multimedia keyboards has been improved

General: compatibility with synaptics TouchPad has been improved

Fixed: radio browser - links doesn't add to "custom" catalog

Fixed: radio browser - downloading process can't be canceled via "cancel" button

Fixed: radio browser - exception occurs when switching from "ice cast" to "custom" tab

Fixed: radio browser - exception occurs when trying to activate radio browser in music library

Fixed: value of "encoding for non-unicode strings" option can't be saved

Fixed: playlist - player doesn't jumps to next playlist if "shuffle" mode is active

Fixed: playlist - exception occurs when trying to play previous playlist if it was closed

Fixed: incorrect position of equalizer sliders on first start

Fixed: tag editor - auto fill tags function doesn't work in some cases

Fixed: tag editor - %IN macro used to start numeration from zero

Fixed: skin engine - hitTest mask doesn't work for slider elements

Fixed: skin engine - time used to draw incorrectly for files with duration more 100 minutes

AIMP v3.00.961 RC 2 (02.12.2011)

Sound engine: resampler algorithm has been improved

Plugins: radio browser - ability to input genre manually

Player: ability to start playback of bookmark using "enter" key

Player: player now detects full screen applications only on the current monitor

Track list: total duration of playlist now displays in "DD:HH:MM:SS" format

Fixed: ID3v2 tag doesn't read to the end in some cases

Fixed: external playlist is not reloaded when trying to open it again

Fixed: known memory leaks

Fixed: navigation by track doesn't work for remote files

Fixed: player doesn't work correctly with playlists in M3U8 format

Fixed: player doesn't allow drop new file to the end of playlist, if "auto merge similar categories" option is active

Fixed: incompatibility with synaptics TouchPad

Fixed: incompatibility with AVG and avast antivirus

Fixed: no an ability to capture internet-radio, if station doesn't send meta-data

Fixed: "show information about selected files" option doesn't work

Fixed: player doesn't receive links to the internet radio via command line

Fixed: music library doesn't detects drive letter correctly in some cases

AIMP v3.00.950 RC 1 (06.11.2011)

Player: ability to use IE's proxy settings

Playlist: %PD macro has been added (for displaying parent directory name)

Skin engine: ability to disable per-pixel semitransparency

Skin engine: blur behind supports (only for windows 7 or newer)

Plugins: DTS decoder now distributed separately from the player

Plugins: plugins API - added an ability to access to proxy settings

Player: ability to reset user-agent value

Player: help in russian was added

Skin engine: sliders - added hot-state supports

Fixed: "default"-playlist not resets when importing files from external applications

Fixed: player jumps to random track in some cases

Fixed: player repeats one track twice in some cases even if "repeat track" mode is switched off

Fixed: installer doesn't remove standard plugins in "update" mode, even if user refused from them

Fixed: installer removes multiuser settings from AIMP2 in "new installation" mode

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: player doesn't read metadata of internet radio stations in some cases

Fixed: "play / pause" function doesn't work in context menu of tray icon

Fixed: plugins - component list doesn't fill correctly in some cases

Fixed: focus jumps to first playlist tab after closing selected playlist tab

Fixed: program hangs on windows XP, if modal dialog is shown on finishing drag-n-drop operation.

Fixed: skin engine - smooth applying of transparency doesn't work correctly with TrayControl window in some cases

Fixed: skin engine - bugs with handling mouse wheel messages

Fixed: memory leak occurs while listen internet radio station

Fixed: music library - "track repeat" and "shuffle" buttons doesn't work

AIMP v3.00.934 Beta 5 (07.10.2011)

Plugins: API has been extended

Plugins: scheduler - button for easy way to set current time was added

Player: ability to change "user-agent" was added

Player: playlists in *.ASX format are supported now

Player: context menu for "repeat track" button was added for quick access to repeat options

Player: equalizer has been improved

Tag editor: ability to resize album art images is added

Music library: displaying album art in aero peak

Plugins: plugin now works only with installed

Plugins: "plugins manager" dialog has been redesigned

Skin engine: input box - ability to select text via keyboard was added

Skin engine: input box - shortcuts for copy / paste operations were added

Skin engine: memory usage has been reduced

Fixed: ID3v2 tags are parsed incorrectly in some cases

Fixed: disk number isn't displayed in playlist, if it is in "1/2" format

Fixed: error occurs after player restarting and attempt to playing CUE file

Fixed: "search new files" action adds duplicated files in some cases

Fixed: "remove missing files" command removes links to internet radio stations

Fixed: "block desktop locking" option doesn't operate in full screen mode of visualization

Fixed: "disk number" field isn't read from tags of files in M4A format

Fixed: incorrect position of "add link" dialog on the system with few monitors

Fixed: incorrect work with relative paths

Fixed: some skins are used to draw incorrectly on system with non-russian locale

Fixed: bitrate for some files in TTA format calculates incorrectly

Fixed: plugin for multimedia keyboards support is missing in 916 build

Fixed: player hangs while track navigation, if DSP-plugins are in use

Fixed: player hangs sometimes when trying to play files in WAV format

Fixed: player doesn't operate via meta data from some internet radio stations

Fixed: player crushes when trying to play corrupted file in MP3 format

Fixed: player used to jump over 1 track in some cases

Fixed: small part of previous track can be listened when current file is trying to be played and player is on pause state

Fixed: incorrect channel order when playing files in DTS format

Fixed: wrong tracks names during the internet radio capturing

Fixed: tag editor save album art to first selected file only

Fixed: skin engine - some skins doesn't provide an ability to select playlist tab via mouse

Fixed: skin engine - windows aren't repainted in some cases

Fixed: skin engine - minimal size of window calculates incorrectly after its child containers shown / hidden

Fixed: music library - "search new files" doesn't process new subfolders

Fixed: music library - labels doesn't display in the list immediately

Fixed: "repeat track" function used to operate incorrectly with files which duration is less than 2 seconds

AIMP v3.00.916 Beta 4 (07.08.2011)

Fixed: player opens files from external applications with delay about 30 seconds

AIMP v3.00.915 Beta 4 (05.08.2011)

Plugins: plugin has been translated to API v2.0

Plugins: added context menu extension for windows explorer

Playlist: added the ability to disable auto merging of similar categories

DSP-manager: pitch changing step has been corrected

Plugins: BASS_MIDI has been updated to v2.4.6.3

Plugins: tak_deco_lib has been updated to v2.2

Playlist: shuffle algorithm has been improved

Fixed: "copy to...": doesn't show overwrite confirmation

Fixed: IAIMPController.AIMP_GetCurrentTrack doesn't work with remote files

Fixed: scrobbler doesn't scrobble when listening internet-radio

Fixed: wide picture of AlbumArt overlaps some text fields

Fixed: adding files or folders stops when trying to read CUE sheet for nonexistent file

Fixed: information line detects full screen applications incorrectly on the system with few monitors

Fixed: local hot keys don't working in full screen mode of visualization

Fixed: %DN macro is ignored in tags editor when rename files

Fixed: option "replay playlist with one file" doesn't work if shuffle mode is enabled

Fixed: tab created via drag-and-drop doesn't receive focus automatically

Fixed: internet-radio capture doesn't work

Fixed: cover arts in BMP format don't read correctly

Fixed: ID3v1 has higher priority than ID3v2 in some cases

Fixed: player crashes when trying to switch between skins with different orientation of playlists' tabs

Fixed: player jumps to the next track unexpectedly in some cases when listening audio sets

Fixed: portable version of AIMP3 intercepts associations from AIMP2

Fixed: "added date" field is ignored when import data from AIMP2 database

Fixed: %DC macro return incorrect value

AIMP v3.00.901 Beta 3 (02.07.2011)

Core: added the ability to save tags to the file, which is playing in one of the AIMP applications

Fixed: animation of playlist's tabs stops early in some cases

Fixed: player crashes when trying to open folders selection dialog

Fixed: player crashes when trying to get information about new version, if remote service unavailable

AIMP v3.00.900 Beta 3 (01.07.2011)

Skin engine: added the ability to set hot state for playlist's tab elements in the 3rd and 4th frames of the texture

Skin engine: added the ability to change z-order of the elements for each container

Skin engine: added the ability to change indent between playlists' tabs

Skin engine: added the ability to set font for playlist's tab with it is in active and playing states

Sound engine: replaygain's "on-fly" calculation algorithm has been improved

Playlist: reading speed of files in AIMPPL format has been increased

Skin engine: text rendering speed is increased twice

Fixed: CD-TEXT is parsed incorrectly

Fixed: PluginsAPI - visual data are calculated incorrectly in some cases

Fixed: PluginsAPI - information about the file's mark isn't stored in AIMP2_RemoteInfo object

Fixed: auto jump to the next track doesn't work with online-playlists

Fixed: alarm clock ignores "add files to playlist" settings

Fixed: small delay on start file's playback in AAC format

Fixed: infobar - settings can't be saved in some cases

Fixed: infobar - marks for the files aren't displayed

Fixed: slow speed of saving tags from large files

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: other than CDA format files aren't added to the playlist when importing CD\DVD

Fixed: metadata from some internet radio stations are parsed incorrectly

Fixed: playlists in M3U / M3U8 formats are parsed incorrectly in some cases

Fixed: file navigation doesn't work correctly for files with size more than 2 GByte

Fixed: CUE sheets which contain information about the few files with few tracks are expanded incorrectly

Fixed: duration of some files in WMA format calculates incorrectly

Fixed: some files in APE format can't be played

Fixed: option "stop playback if current file was deleted" is ignored in case of playlist was closed

Fixed: player hangs when switching between files in DTS 5.1 format

Fixed: player starts playback after physically removing of current file from playlist, even if it was stopped

Fixed: player's dialogs don't show files in .M4B format

Fixed: player skips small parts of audio stream after the unpause

Fixed: small sound scratches when switching from one track to another with active replaygain option

Fixed: memory leaks in some cases, when you add files to playlist

Fixed: files in CDA format aren't opened on double click in windows explorer

Fixed: files with size more than 2 GBytes can't be played if caching is enabled

Fixed: cue sheets can't be extracted from audio files with size more than 2 GBytes

Fixed: music library - scrobbling settings are resets to default in some cases

Fixed: music library - table cursor position is resets after labels' changing

Fixed: music library generates report too slow

AIMP v3.00.881 Beta 2 (06.05.2011)

Music library: added the ability to copy / move files to the subfolders via drag and drop method

Music library: added the ability to drag folders from grouping tree

Player: support of multimedia keyboards has been improved

Tags: increased tags reading speed from MP3 files

Fixed: playback through ASIO stops when opens settings dialog

Fixed: changes in some playlists can't be saved on the application closing

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: "search for new files" function doesn't work in the audio library

Fixed: player state can't be saved during the playlist navigation via "next / previous file" buttons, if player is trying to connect to the internet radiostation

Fixed: some visualizations don't rendering correctly

Fixed: AutoTag doesn't work correctly for group of files.

Fixed: skins from AIMP2 with semi-transparent elements don't work correctly

Fixed: playlist window can't be resized when it uses standard skin

Fixed: tempo filter doesn't work correctly

Fixed: player can't be associated with file types in some cases

Fixed: player stops playback after the changing default output device

Fixed: window doesn't magneted to the top edge of screen while resizing

Fixed: information about selected files doesn't updated in QTE, if QTE window is already visible

Fixed: playlist's name was trimmed when saves playlist to the disk, if name contains "." symbol

Fixed: part of the previous track had been played when new track started, if player had been in pause state

Fixed: player doesn't take into account settings, which disallow auto jump to the next track, when playing track deleting physically

Fixed: tag editor doesn't read disk number field from the tags

Fixed: animation of equalizer window worked slow on some systems

Fixed: titles of some tracks are trimmed when listening internet radio

AIMP v3.00.861 Beta 1 (01.04.2011)

Scheduler: ability to use playlist as alarm clock signal

Player: ASIO - added ability to choose the channels, which would be used for output

Player: ability to create a new playlist tab under mouse cursor while dragging files

Player: added "auto-adjust equalizer preset for a track" action to the equalizer menu

Music library: ability to play files / playlists in AIMP3

Music library: ability to manual import of database from AIMP2

Decoders: BASS libraries were updated

Plugins: plugin for access to catalog has been removed

Player: crossfading and pause between tracks settings has been moved to separate items

Playlist: loading speed of playlists has been increased

Skin engine: rendering speed has been increased

Fixed: autoshutdown was executed incorrectly on ending of the playing queue

Fixed: incorrect name for playlist was set, if it had been loaded from external file

Fixed: autoloaded preset of the equalizer is reset by alt+click combination, when information about the file from playlist is displayed

Fixed: value of option "music library: allow statistics" wasn't saved

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: titles for the some tracks are displayed truncated when listening internet-radio stations

Fixed: player resumes playing incorrectly on program startup, if few playlists have same name

Fixed: tracks are grouped incorrectly, if it has been expanded by CUE sheet

Fixed: skins were drawn incorrectly on windows XP under low color mode

Fixed: player hung when internet-radiostation switching track

Fixed: mono-channel mode was active by default

Fixed: positions of records in the table were calculated incorrectly after the sorting

Fixed: tag editor - address line wasn't updated after the file had been renamed

Fixed: tag editor - it had no any ability to disable AutoTag, if it was enable

Fixed: tag editor - the "don't fill field if it has value" function wasn't work

Fixed: fixed: files weren't moved, if keyboard was used for playlist navigation while drag and drop operation was being processed

AIMP v3.00.851 Beta 1 (09.03.2011)

Playlist: added ability to expand / collapse all groups in the playlist by clicking with pressed alt button

Sound engine: spectrum calculation algorithm has been rewritten

Player: playlist view settings has been moved to separate tab

Skins engine: compatibility with AIMP2 skins has been improved

Core: sorting algorithm speed has been increased

Core: text rendering speed has been increased

Fixed: quick file info takes focus when showing

Fixed: quick tag editor don't save changes to the playing file

Fixed: hotkeys don't work in some cases

Fixed: information about current track on the radio station don't display

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: connection status to the radio station don't display

Fixed: crossfade settings don't applying in some ways

Fixed: input fields resets when switching between tabs in multiple mode of QTE

Fixed: player hangs when switching to the next track

Fixed: advanced tag editor don't accept WavPack files

AIMP v3.00.840 Beta 1 (22.02.2011)

Plugins: сompatibility with winamp input plugins has been improved

Player: integration to the context menu of windows explorer is temporarily disabled

Skin engine: rendering speed has been increased

Fixed: "copy to ..." didn't save previously selected paths

Fixed: autoshutdown was executed incorrectly on ending of the playing queue

Fixed: music library labels are excluded incorrectly in some cases

Fixed: quick search don't work in some cases

Fixed: information about selected file wasn't updated in the advanced tag editor if file list was being scrolled via keyboard

Fixed: GUI bug in the "missed files" audio library dialog

Fixed: CUE sheets were not caught up for the CD images

Fixed: option "save absolute file paths" couldn't be saved

Fixed: some parameters of radio capture were not saved

Fixed: single click at the tray icon activated event with delay, even if double click event hadn't been assigned

Fixed: option "repeat playlist with one file" must be available only if "playlist repeat" mode is active

Fixed: batch tags processing was't available in the audio library

Fixed: bugs with removing silence filter

Fixed: ScrollBar drawn incorrectly with some skins

Fixed: player jumps to the previous track if current track was removed from the playlist physically

Fixed: link to the internet radio couldn't be added as a melody for alarm clock

AIMP v3.00.832 Beta 1 (05.02.2011)

Playlist: grouping by folders has been improved

Tag editor: AutoTag by file name function has been improved

Tag editor: file renaming function is not case sensitive now

Skin engine: spectrum displays all frequencies

Skin engine: compatibility with AIMP2 skins has been improved

Skin engine: usability of the new playlist creation via Drag'n'Drop has been improved

Skin engine: rendering speed has been increased

Music library: 'jump to current file' function has been improved

Fixed: problem with WAV-DTS playback

Fixed: sound effects didn't resumed after the program restart

Fixed: bug on file playing with enabled caching to occur in some cases

Fixed: if track has cover with high resolution then it stuck on switching

Fixed: scroll buttons are not shown if context menu was out of screen bounds

Fixed: sorting by %m template didn't work

Fixed: incorrect device switching with stopped player

Fixed: format of audio stream incorrectly detected for some radio stations

Fixed: context menu display incorrectly on multi-monitor configuration

Fixed: some CUE-sheet files parsed incorrectly

Fixed: incorrect selection behavior with pressed ctrl

Fixed: incorrect behavior of 'start playback on launching' function

Fixed: incorrect control of some sound effects

Fixed: some bugs with labels in music library

Fixed: player didn't switch to the previous track if cursor was at the beginning of the playlist

Fixed: content-filters resets in music library during the navigation by groups

Fixed: minor issues

AIMP v3.00.815 Beta 1 (30.12.2010)

Decoders: BASS libraries were updated

Skin engine: rendering speed has been increased

AIMP v3.00.810 Beta 1 (20.12.2010)

CoverArt downloader: cache previous search results

CoverArt downloader: cover search now doesn't begin immediately after window shown

LastFM scrobbler: scrobbling track from internet radio

LastFM scrobbler: now works directly with the service

Scheduler: added smooth volume increasing

Radio capture: added ability to make CUE sheet file

Radio capture: added ability to capture stream "as is" (only for MP3 / AAC / AAC+)

Radio capture: extended file split options - by time / by size

Sound engine: added ASIO / WASAPI / direct sound support

Sound engine: added OGG files support with multiple track inside

Sound engine: added DTS / TAK formats support

Sound engine: extended track mixing options

Sound engine: our output system, BASS is used now only as decoder

Sound engine: improved works with *.iso.wv / *.iso.ape files

Sound engine: added 5.1 / 7.1 channels emulation

InfoBar: added ability to display track cover art

InfoBar: added ability to adjust background transparency

Internet radiostation catalog: added tab "custom"

Internet radiostation catalog: integrated to audio library

Queue manager: added track duration to the table

Queue manager: added information about total duration of all tracks in the queue

Icon library: added ability to set icon for each format

Player: added ability to pin player / playlist on the screen edge

Player: added ability to set alternative global hot keys

Player: added ability to dock player with playlist to the screen edge

Player: added ability of random switching visualizations

Player: plugin manager was moved to options

Player: new design

Player: improved options window

Player: extended running line animation options

Player: expanded tracklist export options

Playlist: added ability to lock playlist from changes

Playlist: added ability to set individual settings for every playlist

Playlist: added ability to disable auto expanding files by CUE

Playlist: added "single playlist mode"

Playlist: added %up(), %low(), %caps(), %replace() and %char() macros

Playlist: categories - added ability to expand / collapse them

Playlist: categories - added optional separating template

Playlist: categories - added information about size and duration

Playlist: categories now couldn't be separated into few parts

Tag editor: replaygain - added ability to autocalculate values

Tag editor: replaygain - added ability to enter values manually

Tag editor: added columns: bitrate / duration / ID3v1 / ID3v2 / APE / WMA / vorbis

Tag editor: renaming one file - now highlight only file name

Tag editor: renaming by template - added ability to work with copy of the file

Tag editor: renaming by template: added confirmation dialog if file names match

Tag editor: field "track number / track count" was divided into two fields

Skins: added ability to clone gauge and spectrum elements

Skins: added ability to place playlist tabs vertically

Skins: added ability to create round sliders

Skins: added full support of semitransparent textures

Skins: extended elements options

Skins: tray icon is now depends from skin

Tags: added reading M4A / M4B / MP4 tags

Tags: added reading / writing covers to OGG files

Tags: added reading / writing TTA / OFR / OFS tags

Tags: increased tags reading speed

Music library: quick content filtering among columns values

Music library: added ability to group by any columns

Music library: added ability to hide grouping window

Music library: added report generation - total duration, favorite artist / album / genre

Music library: added labels support

Music library: disk number now used for grouping by albums

Music library: implemented as independent application

Music library: added ability to sort on several columns at once

Music library: ID3v2.4 separators support

Music library: added ability to filter files by size or/and duration before adding to database

Player: main window now isn't frozen on file moving to removable device

Playlist: "send to..." - added ability to copy additional files with main files

Playlist: "send to..." - now you can rename by template options

AIMP v2.61.583 (07.08.2010)

Manuals were updated

BASS libraries were updated

Localizations were updated

Fixed: minor issues

Fixed: information in the aero peek wasn't updated if the cover art of the current file has been changed

Fixed: playback progress wasn't updated in the taskbar in some cases

Fixed: incorrect reading of the cover arts from ID3v2.4 tags

Fixed: bug with creation of the playlist when import files from other applications

AIMP v2.61.570 (05.06.2010)

Manuals were updated

BASS libraries were updated

Skins were updated

Fixed: playback of the file didn't start from the beginning in some cases

Fixed: bounds of the looped section were dropped if file position had been changed manually

Fixed: some WV files couldn't be played

Fixed: bug with multiple folders selection in the dialog

Fixed: bug with multiple selection in the playlist

Fixed: bug with reading duration from some WMA files

AIMP v2.61.560 (22.03.2010)

Manuals were updated

License agreement was updated

BASS libraries were updated

Localizations were updated

Tags reading core was optimized

Fixed: auto shutdown fails, if pause between tracks was switched on

Fixed: sometimes the name of the radio station can be lost from playlist item

Fixed: minor issues in skin engine

Fixed: minor issues in plugins core

AIMP v2.60.551 (15.02.2010)

Manuals were updated

Localizations were updated

Fixed: CUE files can't be played, if has unicode characters in the file name

Fixed: small GUI bugs

Fixed: bug with reading some WavPacks

Fixed: program crash on closing, if queue manager shown

Fixed: sending title of the current track to the DSP/general-plugins

AIMP v2.60.530 (05.01.2010)

Added ability to switch tracks by click on tray-icon

Localizations were updated

Fixed: stuttering at the beginning of playback of some files

Fixed: bugs with playing CUE-files

AIMP v2.60.528 (30.12.2009)

Localizations were updated

Fixed: bug with loading some all-in-one skins

Fixed: bugs in parser of CUE-files

AIMP v2.60.525 (07.12.2009)

Localizations were updated

Fixed: critical bug in "update checker"

Fixed: critical bug with writing tags in some OGG-files

AIMP v2.60.520 (01.12.2009)

Three new skins were added

Localizations were updated

Help files were updated

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v2.60.512 RC3 (08.11.2009)

Localizations were updated

Now radio stream recording continues after automatic reconnection to station

Fixed: embedded skins fonts are ignored

Fixed: bug with reading CUE-files

minor issues were fixed

AIMP v2.60.510 RC3 (01.11.2009)

Reduced system resources usage

Fixed: incorrect encoding of title of playlist item in some ways

Known bugs were fixed

AIMP v2.60.507 RC2 (20.10.2009)

Ability to disable display of infobar if full-screen application is running

BASS and SQLite3 libraries were updated

Simple scheduler: time editor were improved

Known bugs were fixed

AIMP v2.60.505 RC1 (30.09.2009)

Known bugs were fixed

AIMP v2.60.499 RC1 (05.09.2009)

BASS and SQLite3 libraries were updated

Fixed: proxy settings were ignored in advanced tag editor

Fixed bug with tags reading from some MusePack files

Known bugs were fixed

AIMP v2.60.497 Beta 4 (31.08.2009)

Fixed critical bugs

Fixed other minor issues

AIMP v2.60.495 Beta 4 (28.08.2009)

Info bar: now is not shown if full-screen application is running

Core: ability to read audio content info from MusePack v8

Fixed bug causing the program hanging in some cases

Fixed bug with reading some cover arts from ID3v2

Fixed: proxy settings were ignored in "online radio" and "CoverArt downloader" modules

Known bugs were fixed

AIMP v2.60.491 Beta 3 (08.08.2009)

Added ability to filter cover arts when downloading by file size

Added beta-versions of manual at the russian and english languages

Default skin: added popup menu with playlists list

Scheduler: added ability to execute action after pre-set time period

Scheduler: interface were improved

Fixed minor issues

Fixed bugs in skin engine

AIMP v2.60.486 Beta 2 (11.07.2009)

Updated italian localization

Updated BASS files

Fixed bugs in skin engine

Fixed bugs in core

AIMP v2.60.485 Beta 2 (05.07.2009)

Added logical sorting of playlist (for WinXP or higher)

Fixed bugs

AIMP v2.60.484 Beta 2 (01.07.2009)

Tag editor: new column "album cover’s availability in tag-file" added

Settings saveability on emergency reset were improved

Music library: view style in “without grouping” mode has been changed from "CardsView" to "AlbumView"

Some bugs fixed

AIMP v2.60.482 Beta 2 (20.06.2009)

Fixed critical bugs

AIMP v2.60.480 Beta 2 (16.06.2009)

Added plugins: integration to win7 TaskBar, simple scheduler

Tag editor [advanced]: added ability to show subfolder headers in the file list

Skin engine: improved mask creation speed

Improved compatibility with windows 7

Fixed bug with reading some ID3v2 tags

Fixed numerous bugs

AIMP v2.60.472 Beta 1 (10.05.2009)

Fixed numerous bugs

AIMP v2.60.470 Beta 1 (01.05.2009)

Minor functionality changes

Skin engine: improved rendering speed

Fixed numerous bugs

AIMP v2.60.466 Beta 1 (22.04.2009)

Skin engine: added ability to disable windows magnetize effect

Skin engine: added saturation regulator

Minor functionality changes

Fixed numerous bugs

AIMP v2.60.462 Beta 1 (09.04.2009)

DSP-manager: button to reset effects to their default values

DSP-manager: equalizer algorithm updated

DSP-manager: "replaygain" tag support in "auto normalize sound volume" module

DSP-manager: DFX9 compability improved

Skin engine: "all in one" mode added

Skin engine: ability to create user's containers added

Skin engine: new elements added - CoverArt, rating display, a-b repeat mode

Skin engine: docking engine updated

Skin engine: half-opaque support for elements that can't contain other elements

Information line: ability to adjust text alignment

Information line: optional album art displaying

Information line: FadeIn and FadeOut

Queue: ability to turn off queue saving after player shutdown

Queue: ability to save queue as playlist

Queue: moving queue manager items by mouse

Plugins: automatic computer shutdown is a plugin now

Plugins: CoverArt downloader added

Plugins: active online shoutcast / ice cast radio stations browser added

Plugins: information line is a plugin now

Player: automatically subdividing to tracks when adding file that has CUE-sheet

Player: "windows default" added to default sound output devices list

Player: possibility to turn off explorer context menu cascading

Player: repeating of the part of the track (a-b repeat) added

Player: crossfading effect when rewinding track added

Player: adjusting playlist scrolling speed

Player: displaying duration and size of files, selected in playlist

Player: reconnection to internet-radiostation when losing connection

Player: embedded CUE-sheet support for WV, FLAC, APE formats

Player: when playing CUE-sheet real track's format will be displayed in information line

Player: ability to adjust pause between tracks

Player: XSPF playlists support

Player: template for filename for radio recording

Tag editor [advanced]: multiple deleting of selected tags

Tag editor [advanced]: MiniPlayer for track preview

Tag editor: ability to edit embedded CUE-sheet

Tag editor: "disk number" field added

Music library: ability to reset statistics

Music library: DB requests optimization

Music library: CUE-sheet support

Music library: sorting playlists by rating

Music library: displaced files management

Core: minor issues fixed

Core: "while-typing" TreeView navigation

Core: internal classes and functions optimisation

Core: in windows vista and higher "vista dialogs" will be used instead of classic

Core: single-line text painting speed-up

Removed ability to dock main window to audio library because of the instability

Removed title scrolling from playlist

AIMP v2.51.330 (30.12.2008)

Fixed: crash of program sometimes when listening internet-radio

Fixed: some minor issues

AIMP v2.51.328 (15.12.2008)

Fixed: incorrect duration for some WAV-files

Fixed: crash of shuffle-manager sometimes through switch between different playlists

Fixed: playlist don't synchronize with list of audio library

Fixed: if program process was killed, it doesn't start untill reboot

Fixed: cache of files marks flushes during settings change

Fixed: some minor issues

AIMP v2.51.323 (29.11.2008)

Usability were improved

Fixed: don't work 32-bits sound processing option in b320

Fixed: don't work tempo and pitch sound effects in b320

Fixed: wrong duration for *.wv files in some times

AIMP v2.51.320 (23.11.2008)

Player: bosnian and croatian languages was added

Core: ability to read ID3v1/2/APE tags for WavPack-format files

License agreement was updated

Music library: grouping by albums set as default "CardsView" mode for "show all files"

Music library: adding files speeded up at 50 percents

Fixed: files with non-printing characters in the tag fields were not added to audio library

Fixed: autoplayback of playlist was not started after opening files if shuffle mode was active

Fixed: playlist playback was not started during playlist's navigation by hot keys, if the first track was "switched off"

Fixed: some minor issues

AIMP v2.50.312 (24.10.2008)

Player: ability to save playlist with ansi-encoding

Fixed: sometimes changes did't saved in audio library

Fixed: there were no statistics for files with duration less than 15 seconds in audio library

Fixed: incorrect work of "randomize files at playlist" function

Fixed: wrong updating file information when CUE-sheets playing

Fixed: bug with renaming files by template with illegal characters

Fixed: incorrect encoding of russian text which loaded from CDDB

Fixed: could not added to the playlist files with *.fla extention

Fixed: some minor issues

AIMP v2.50.306 (10.10.2008)

DSP-engine: added stereo enhancer (for stereo only)

DSP-engine: added filter for normalization of sound

DSP-engine: added filter for passes silence when song playing

DSP-engine: added filter for reverse audio channels (for stereo only)

DSP-engine: added filter for voice removal

Tag editor: ability to edit path of the file

Tag editor: copy data to clipboard button

Tag editor: copy file to clipboard button

Tag editor: new design

Tag editor: auto fill tags based on name / path of file

Player: ability to set a conversion table for non-unicode strings

Player: added LastFM plugin for work with LastFM service

Player: added CD-text support

Player: further development of the "copy to folder" function - list of "recent folders" added

Player: right-click on a running line to open the quick tag editor

Player: stop button flashing when you set "stop after current track" option + support of MMS protocol

Player: new module for playback / capture internet-radio + added MMS protocol support

Player: bookmarks manager updated

Player: options for MIDI / MOD files playback

Player: display the real names of tracks instead of "next / previous file" on navigation buttons

Player: playback status displaying in the tip of tray icon

Player: CUE-sheets module redesigned (track switching from the context menu of the current playback position)

Player: options window ergonomic increased

Player: transparency settings were improved for main windows

Player: playlist saving on player close

Playlists: ability to autosave playlist at the address where it opened (kept in profile folder previously)

Playlists: ability to cut the file from one playlist to another (when moving with alt button down)

Playlists: ability to add folders series to playlist by open dialog

Playlists: ability to use conditional operator in a string templates

Playlists: code optimization

Playlists: support of m3u8 playlists

Playlists: when you add folder to an empty playlist it name became as the name of a folder

Playlists: bookmarks scrolling by mouse wheel in playlist

Playlists: load / save playlist's operations accelerated

Playlists: auto-sorting playlists in the window "playlist customization"

Advanced search: ability to search for a job playlist file

Advanced search: playlist manager calls from advanced search window

Advanced search: displaying the file number in the playlist

Tag editor: ability to set cover for several files

Tag editor: ability to tags removing from multiple files

Tag editor: added auto fill tags function based on name / path of file

Tag editor: genres sorted alphabetically

Tag editor: code optimization

Tag editor: interface changed

Tag editor: red highlighting with the group rename files, which could not be renamed

Music library: quick search for items in the groups-tree

Music library: ability to change the order of table columns

Music library: engine switched to SQLite3

Music library: files add to the library by simply drag-n-drop

Music library: an interface of library updated

Music library: quick navigation panel

Music library: FLAC / APE / AAC / MPC support

Music library: expanded integration with player

Music library: relative paths saving for files from removable media

Core: ability for all functions to set both global and local keys

Core: the scheme of user's preferences storing were improved

Core: added logarithmic volume control

Core: new capabilities for addon-plugin

Core: new module for plug-ins management

Core: skin engine updated

Core: updated to BASS v2.4

Core: interaction with winamp DSP / input improved

AIMP v2.11.211 (15.03.2008)

Player: selection in playlist will move to the current file regardless of the focus if manual navigation used

Player: AutoJump to the next file in tag editor was added

Player: arabic localization was added

Player: function of template formation was speeded up

Fixed: bug with QuickFileInfo updating

Fixed: bug with playlist window position in dualview mode

Fixed: bug with playing of multichannel audio

Fixed: bug with crossfade between tracks with active mute or PreAMP modes

Fixed: bug in CUE-parser

Fixed: bug with tracklist genereation by template

Fixed: bug with randomize by playlist function in DragNDrop mode

Fixed: bug with playlist selection in autojump to next playlist function

AIMP v2.10.210 (30.01.2008)

Player: auto rename playlist on manual saving

Player: quick search up & down by list

Player: transparency of main windows

Player: small visual changes

Player: method of searching in playlist was updated - now the result is not affected by order of parts

Player: method of searching in playlist was speeded up

Library: bug in sorting items in playlists

Fixed: bug with AIMP working in minized mode

Fixed: bug with radio recording with 32-bit sound processing

Fixed: bug with drag&drop coping with wrong links

Fixed: bug with playlists creation

Fixed: bug with reading lyrics from *.OGG files

AIMP v2.09.209 (30.12.2007)

Player: help in russian was added

Player: search album covers algorith was updated

Player: LangPackages format was updated

Player: showing album covers from GIF

Fixed: bug with minimization to tray

Fixed: bug with reading lyrics from FLAC

AIMP v2.08.208 Beta (30.11.2007)

Player: auto-hide playlist in toolbar mode only if AIMP window is non-focused

Player: quick file info is available instead of information line

Player: AIMP could divide internet-radio into tracks

Player: manual scrolling of running line

Player: 32-bit sound processing

Player: line formating of tracklist

Player: new quick tag editor

Player: showing album covers from JPG, BMP, PNG, TIFF (for Win2K is required GDI+)

Player: jump to quick search by f3

Music library: auto-compressing DB every 2 weeks

Music library: "add to DataBase" menu was improved

Fixed: some bugs were fixed

Fixed: bug with wake up

Fixed: bug with saving state of DSP plugins

Fixed: bug with saving options in limited account

Fixed: bug with reading track number from tag with non-numerical tag-data

Fixed: bug with unicode

Music library: bug with scrolling of list if it contains more than 32000 files

Music library: bug with language changing

AIMP v2.07.207 Beta (29.10.2007)

Player: set file rating in quick file info

Player: new DSP-manager: tempo & pitch

Player: now AIMP's interface supports unicode

Player: radio records save in individual folders

Player: new hot key settings menu

Player: file queue management by keyboard

Playlist: variable width of playlist in toolbar mode

Playlist: show dead file-links

Playlist: new bookmarks menu, ability to save current playing position of file

Playlist: search in all playlists

Playlist: playlist bookmarks sorting

Playlist: «insert file after current» function was added

Music library: new interface mode – card view

Music library: search by file names in library

Music library: saving last active item

Player: removed title scrolling from playlist

Fixed: bug with hidden folders adding

Fixed: bug with track lyrics in ID3v2 tags

Fixed: bug with track number of WMA files

Fixed: bug in Drag'n'Drop of files with unicode symbols in title

Fixed: speed up PLC-playlists loading

AIMP v2.05.205 Beta (01.10.2007)

Player: ability of coping information of track to clipboard in QuickFileInfo

Player: quick launch for equalizer and playlist settings

Player: quick launch for skins in TrayControl

Player: tags support utf16 format

Fixed: registry menu was not working in tag editor

Fixed: bugs with playing some MP3s

Fixed: bugs in SkinEngine

Fixed: bugs with shuffle mode

Fixed: bugs in winamp emulation module (with input, generic plugins)

Fixed: bugs with playing MMS-stream

AIMP v2.03.203 Beta (14.09.2007)

Player: DragAndDrop in playlist bookmarks

Player: ability to change font in information line

Player: upgraded function "open folder with file"

Player: QuickEditor was wided

Player: function "search new files": searching in sub-folders now

Fixed: other minor issues

Fixed: did't show covers of albums

Fixed: bug in playing WAV-files grabbed by WMP

Fixed: bug in saving path of folder to record radio

Fixed: rendering frames in windows vista

Fixed: bug in "stop after current"

Fixed: bug in reading some CUE

Fixed: bug in reading ID3v2.4 tags

Fixed: bug in playing some MP3-files with VBR

Playlist: fixed focusing on player during D'n'D in playlist

Playlist: bug in tag-scanner of playlist

AIMP v2.02.202 Beta (01.09.2007)

Player: adjustment of crossfading duration

Player: new tray status icon

Player: analog meter was updated

Player: showing the adjustment of value of volume, balance and speed in running line

Player: AIMP applications' interplay module was remade

Player: saving number of track in .PLC

Music library: set rating from player's menu

Music library: selection of columns in table

Music library: highlighting of current playing item

Music library: now released as plugin

Fixed: bug with ogg radio

Fixed: some minor issues

Fixed: bug with "StayOnTop" mode

Fixed: bug with file-association

Fixed: bug with Drag'n'Droping files from playlist to other applications

Fixed: bug with SkinEngine

Fixed: bug with reading APE tags

AIMP v2.00.200 Beta 1 (08.08.2007)

QuickEditor: ability of multi editing

QuickEditor: ability of save tags to playing file

Main: support opening multiple files from command line

Main: ability of scrolling title at button in the taskbar

Main: ability of changing icon-schemes for file associations

Main: ability of global volume control

Main: ability of turn off the computer after n-th number of tracks

Main: new version of sound engine and ogg codec

Main: new version of "analog meter" plugin

Main: new style of program

Main: CUE sheets support

Main: ability of viewing the album cover for current track

Main: ability of autocreating tracklist for internet radio capturing

Main: audio library

Main: ASX-playlists support

Playlist: quick search

Playlist: grouping files in playlist with selected scheme

Playlist: ability make playlist as desktop toolbar

Playlist: ability to dock/undock playlist from main window, change horizontal size

Playlist: ability of sorting playlists tabs

Playlist: new style of playlist

Tag editor: ability to translit / detranslit tags

Tag editor: UTF8 support for all tags

Tag editor: graphic tags support for MP3, WMA files

Tag editor: MPC tags support